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Policy Papers & Briefs
May 2009

Capital gains taxes are important sources of government income in particular in high tax Scandinavian countries. These taxes, nevertheless, likely distort the market and resource allocations through so called “lock-in” effect by discouraging trade transactions that would trigger the tax payments…

Policy Papers & Briefs
April 2009

We have studied the relationship between landscape structure and black grouse density in Russian Karelia and compared it with East Finland. The spatial density distribution of the black grouse population is relatively even, especially in areas with a high proportion of forest land. Correlations…

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2008

Having done research on agricultural decollectivization and its consequences since 1992, Ilkka Alanen and his colleagues has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the coping strategies people adopted in order to survive in the Baltic countries and elsewhere (See Alanen 1998, Alanen et al 2001 and…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2008

A voluntary conservation approach may reveal environmentally minded landowners who are willing to protect their lands with a compensation that is lower than the market price based compensation. Consequently, voluntary conservation programs may induce lower costs than traditional obligatory…

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2008

The European Union’s Emission TradingScheme (EUETS)and the current renewable resourceprogram provide strong incentives to use agriculturalcrops either for combustion in power plants to produceelectricity and heat or as a feedstock for transportationfuels. In this paper we examine the social…

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2008

Rational land use decisions of privatelandowners are analysed in the framework of CommonAgricultural Policy and other public support schemeseffective in Finland in 2003. Net present values arecomputed for a marginal hectare of a typical Finnishfarm. Three alternative land uses are considered:…

Reports & Research
November 2008

Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 6. Este documento ofrece una evaluación del estado de la gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y recursos naturales en África occidental, comparando las políticas, legislaciones y prácticas nacionales con los principales criterios y normas de una…

Reports & Research
November 2008

This note has been prepared for the plenary session of the European Forest Week on “Forests and Water” taking place on Thursday, 23 October 2008 1 . Its objective is to stimulate a lively and well informed discussion by providing the reader with background information…

Reports & Research
November 2008

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 6. Ce document établit un état des lieux de la gouvernance foncière et des ressources naturelles en Afrique de l’ouest en confrontant les politiques, les législations et les pratiques des Etats avec des principaux standards et critères de bonne…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2008

The State of Food and Agriculture 2008 explores the implications of the rapid recent growth in production of biofuels based on agricultural commodities. The boom in liquid biofuels has been largely induced by policies in developed countries, based on their expected positive contributions to…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2007

In this paper, the effects of stumpage prices and forest and landowner characteristics on nonindustrial private forest owners' long-run timber supply are examined using cross-sectional variation in a data set of 1860 landowners in Finland during 1994-1998. We estimate an inverse hyperbolic…