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Journal Articles & Books
November 1997
Reports & Research
November 1996

This paper outlines FAO's past and present activities on combating desertification, with particular emphasis on the Near East Region, in an attempt to mobilise all the potential efforts towards the establishment of an adequate strategy to enable this particular part of the world to build…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1993

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, les ressources en eau de plus en plus limitées et la mauvaise utilisation de l’eau douce mettent en péril le développement durable. Plus des deux tiers de l’eau prélevée dans les fleuves, lacs et nappes aquifères étant utilisés pour l’irrigation, l’…

Journal Articles & Books
December 1992

En muchas partes del mundo la escasez cada vez mayor de agua y el mal uso de agua dulce plantea graves problemas al desarrollo sostenible. Como más de dos tercios del agua que se toma de los ríos, lagos y acuíferos de la tierra se destinan al riego, la agricultura se considera una válvula de…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1982

In view of the continuing increase in cost and scarcity of mineral fertilizers resulting from the use of high-cost fossil energy, there is renewed interest in organic recycling and biological nitrogen-fixation to improve soil fertility and productivity. The workshop in Alexandria recommended…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1981

This manual is designed to give detailed, practical advice on the various methodologies of organic recycling. Blue-green algae form a self-sufficient system which is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in organic forms and which grows upon a free water surface. It is thus ideally suited for…

Reports & Research
November 1981

This course teaches the farmer about the water cycle. It covers rainfall, ground water, the water table, surface water, evaporation, and transpiration. It also delivers information on wells and springs, swamps, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. It explains how water is necessary for life.

Journal Articles & Books
November 1980

An international journal of forestry and forest industries

Journal Articles & Books
November 1977

There is a urgent need for a better understanding of the risks of soil degradation and their geographical distribution as well as a better knowledge of where degradation occurs at present. it would be desirable to combine soil conservation activities with other elements for increasing crop…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1963

An international journal of forestry and forest industries

November 1962

The amendment replaces article 13 concerning breach of lease contracts. Any person that uses the leased lands other than in the way specified in the lease contract and without permission of the competent authority shall be liable to pay a fine of double the lease amount.

December 1950