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By virtue of the entry into force at the national level of the Code on the Environment, this Regional Act defines the competences of local authorities (the Region, the Provinces and the Communes) in different matters relevant to environmental protection, namely: land rehabilitation (art. 1),…


The Basilicata Region promotes and arranges a general land reclamation scheme in order to provide for the territorial maintenance, the rational exploitation of water resources, soil conservation, agricultural development and improvement of agricultural production. The Region shall elaborate…


The present Regional Act makes provision in matter of land use planning and land protection. It regulates the exercise of the relevant administrative functions by the competent authorities. The Calabria Region prompts cooperation among the Region itself, the Provinces, the Communes and Mountain…


The present Act provides for the protection of the territory of the Emilia Romagna Region by making rules on land use planning. Cooperation among the Region, the Provinces and the Communes in the field of land use planning and programming is hereby encouraged. Title I lays down general…


Article 4 of Directive 91/676/EEC requires Member States to establish a code or codes of good agricultural practice with the aim of providing for all waters a general level of protection against pollution. The present Decree, in implementation of such provision, lays down the code of good…


This Decree establishes the commission which shall be responsible in matters connected with integrated pollution prevention and control, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Legislative Decree No. 59 of 2005.
Implements: Legislative Decree No. 59 implementing Directive 96/61/EC…


With a view to improving soil quality and preventing desertification, this Regional Act encourages the use of compostable wastes and soil conditioners. To this end, the regional authority grants subsidies for (i) the purchase of compostable wastes and soil conditioners and (ii) the…


This Provincial Act sets out provisions on the exercise of administrative and regulatory functions in matter of public uses. Further, it defines the procedure to be followed for authorizing the transfer of lands for public use.


This Regional Act defines the administrative functions that pertain to regional authorities as regards the productive use of public lands as well as the recognition of public uses. The aim is to promote the use of public lands for agro-forestry and silvopastoralism purposes. Article 5 specifies…


In implementation of article 50, paragraph 1-bis of Regional Act No. 16 of 2002, this Decree determines those waterworks and installations which may be realized by way of derogation from the prohibition laid down in the Regional Act above-mentioned. In fact, article 50, paragraph 1 of the Act…

International Conventions or Treaties

Ce protocole a été convenu par les Parties contractantes de la Convention sur la protection des Alpes (Convention alpine) soucieuses d'élaborer une procédure efficace de consultation et de règlement des différends dans le cadre de la Convention alpine et de ses protocoles. En cas de…


This Legislative Decree aims at achieving the objectives of article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 22 of 5 February 1997. To this end, it establishes technical requirements applicable to landfills of waste, procedures and guidance with a view to preventing and reducing negative effects on the…