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Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

El Ángel de Clarion se distribuye en el archipiélago de Revillagigedo y en las costas de Baja California Sur, en México.. No se ha observado disminución en el área de distribución de la especie. <a>…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

刺蝶鱼广泛分布于墨西哥的勒维拉格吉多群岛和南下加利福尼亚沿岸。没有发现到该物种分布区域内的资源下降。 <a></a>"&gt;下载该报告Report of the fifth FAO Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend…

Journal Articles & Books
July 2016

The seventh session of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) was held in Panama City, Panama on 7-8 November 2015. The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) hosted the session at the venue of its sixty-eight annual conference. The…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

This poster describes various innovative sustainable practices used in agroecology. It provides brief information on pollination, natural pest control, crop-livestock integration, soil biodiversity, water management, forest management, nitrogen fixing and other ecological, economic and social…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

La Demoiselle de Clarion, Holacanthus clarionensis est un poisson de productivité moyenne, endémique à l'archipel des îles Revillagigedo au Mexique. En résumé, la proposition ne parvient pas à démontrer que la Demoiselle de Clarion répondait aux critères d'inscription à l'Annexe…

Reports & Research
July 2016

Minutes of the Experts Group Meeting about Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Reports & Research
July 2016

Registro de la Reunión de Expertos en Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura de Suelo en América Latina y El Caribe

Manuals & Guidelines
July 2016

Presentation by Anne Myers, Habitat for Humanity International, during the Experts Group Meeting on Responsible Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and Caribbean. Title of presentation: Solid Ground - a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity

Reports & Research
July 2016

Presentación Silvia Mejía, ONU-Habitat México, durante la Reunión de Expertos en Gobernanza Reponsable del Suelo y Seguridad de Tenencia en América Latina y Caribe, realizada en San José, Costa Rica, Julio 2016. México: conceptualización y prácticas desde los diversos sectores

Reports & Research
July 2016

Presentación de Paola Siclari Introducción de la Reunión de Expertos Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe

Reports & Research
July 2016

Presentación Paola Siclari Introducción al Estudio - Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe

Reports & Research
July 2016

Draft report of the Scoping Study about Responsible Governance and Secure Tenure of Urban and Peri-Urban Land in Latin America and the Caribbean: Analysis of 10 Countries, discussed during the Experts Group Meeting held in San José, Costa Rica, July 2016. This study aims to generate…