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Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2011

Addressing the role of women in forestry is central to sustainable resource management and rural livelihood improvement. Improving women’s access to forest resources and effectively including them in decision making leads to greater investment in children’s welfare and has positive effects on…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2011

 この「世界食料農業白書2010-2011年報告」 は“農業における女性:開発に向けたジェン ダーギャップの解消”を主題としている。農 業部門は多くの開発途上国で伸び悩んでお り、その主な原因の1つは、女性たちが自ら の生産性を高めるために必要な資源と機会を 平等に手に入れることができないでいること にある。本報告は、ミレニアム開発目標のジェ ンダー平等(MDG 3)と貧困・食料安全保 障(MDG 1)は互いに補強し合うものであ ることをはっきりと確認している。われわれ はジェンダー平等を促進し、農業に携わる女 性たちが飢餓と極度の貧困に立ち向かう闘い…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2011

En este número nos proponemos examinar una nueva publicación intitulada Payments for ecosystem services and food security («Pagos por servicios del ecosistema y seguridad alimentaria»). Este documento forma parte del proceso preparatorio de participación de la FAO en Río+20, un acontecimiento…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 20. Ce document analyse les caractéristiques des systèmes de propriété communale dans divers pays d’Asie. Les pressions actuelles du marché sur les ressources naturelles créent à la fois des défis et des opportunités pour les communautés et pour les…

Peer-reviewed publication
November 2011

This Report presents the findings of this research effort. A comprehensive consideration of the many aspects of land ownership in Nepal, including the related issues of agricultural development, the impact of nonstate actors in newly-formed special economic zones, and the claims of landlords…

Reports & Research
October 2011

Development projects conceived now are rarely expected to have a life of more than five years, perhaps ten years at most. Looking back over more than twenty years of project experience in community forestry - itself grounded on an integrated development project of a similar time span - is thus a…

Conference Papers & Reports
October 2011

The workshop was attended by 89 participants representing government agencies, national assembly, civil society groups, and international organizations working in Lao PDR. In order to share experience of reforming forest tenure from other countries, resource persons were also invited from China…

Reports & Research
October 2011

Despite challenges in many river
basins, overall the planet has
enough water to meet the full range
of peoples’ and ecosystems’ needs
for the foreseeable future, but
equity will only be achieved through
judicious and creative management.

Reports & Research
August 2011

This document highlights the key achievements and challenges of the "Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+" project in the Asia-Pacific region from August 2010 to July 2011. 

May 2011

This Act, consisting of 6 Chapters, may be called "Mediation Act, 2068. It establishes administative and legal proceedings related to any dispute that may be settled through mediation: In case, any agreement provides for the settlement of dispute through mediation, the dispute concerned…

Institutional & promotional materials
April 2011

International discussions on REDD+ and climate change have explicitly addressed the needs of indigenous peoples. However, to date, efforts to link REDD+ and climate change activities to the specific protection of rights of women have been very limited. This brief explores how REDD+ planning and…

December 2010

The vast majority of Nepal’s population—80 percent of whom live in rural areas—derives their livelihood from agriculture. Despite a decrease in recent years, agriculture’s contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) still amounts to one-third. The national government stresses the importance of…