This paper explores ways in which global actions to tackle climate change can potentially undermine women’s land tenure security. While there is greater cognizance of the role of secure land tenure as a critical enabler of global climate goals, climate actions that fail to account for…
This case study describes the COONAPIP-Prodeso cooperation.
Este estudio de caso describe la cooperación COONAPIP-Prodeso.
Esta publicación busca paliar la situación del acceso de las mujeres a la tierra y a la propiedad analizando la situación de la historia de la propiedad de la tierra en Panamá considerando la normativa existente, el tipo de producción agropecuaria, y la condición e intereses de las mujeres con…
Es un hecho innegable que las mujeres en Panamá, al igual que en otros países del mundo, han contado con poca participación histórica en la tenencia de tierras. La cultura patriarcal predominante generó relaciones entre hombres y mujeres jerarquizadas, desiguales, inequitativas y discriminantes…
El derecho internacional ha avanzado en las últimas décadas hacia el reconocimiento del derecho de los pueblos indígenas a la libre determinación, expresada en regímenes de autonomía o auto-gobierno en sus territorios. En este sentido, la autonomía territorial indígena es un régimen acordado,…
Meeting <a href="… development goals</a> requires policies that…
Meeting sustainable development goals requires policies that account for interrelatedness in social and environmental issues such as land tenure and deforestation. This work takes advantage of a nationwide titling campaign in Panama to explore the effect of private titling on forest cover across…
Property boundaries have a significant importance in cadaster as they define the legal extent of the ownership rights. Among 3D data models, Industry Foundation Class (IFC) provides the potential capabilities for modelling property boundaries in a 3D environment. In some jurisdictions, such as…
Nature-based solutions (NbS) include all the landscape’s ecological components that have a function in the natural or urban ecosystem. Memorial Parking Trees (MPTs) are a new variant of a nature-based solution composed of a bioswale and a street tree allocated in the road, occupying a space that…
According to the United Nations (UN) Refugee Agency, there were 79.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide by the end of 2019. Evictions from homes and land are often linked to protracted violent conflict. Land administration (LA) can be a small part of UN peace-building programs…
An ever-increasing demand for agriculture while conserving biodiversity, maintaining livelihoods, and providing critical ecosystem services is one of the largest challenges for tropical land management across the Central American Isthmus today. Climatic and anthropogenic drivers threaten to…