There is a vast and unrecognized opportunity for community forestry to strengthen national resilience to climate change through diversifying rural livelihoods, increasing food security, leveraging social capital and knowledge, advancing disaster risk reduction and regulating microclimates.…
Ấn phẩm này được phát triển nhằm hỗ trợ cho các giảng viên và thúc đẩy viên địa phương. Đó là những người tham gia truyền tải về REDD+, tập huấn biến đổi khí hậu và phát triển năng lực nên đã có những kiến thức nhất định về các lĩnh vực này.
The oil and gas potential of
Vietnam's continental shelf remains relatively
unexplored compared with that of its neighbors, including
China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. A number of
factors affect the decision to…
Diễn đàn lâm nghiệp cộng đồng lần thứ nhất thu hút sự tham gia của hơn 60 đại biểu từ khu vực công, khu vực tư nhân, và khu vực phát triển, cùng với đại diện các cơ quan nghiên cứu và đào tạo cũng như các cộng đồng làm lâm nghiệp, những người muốn chia sẻ thành tựu và bày tỏ nhu cầu cũng như…
Research from seven countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) in the Asia-Pacific region shows that sustainable practices are inherent to the community forestry enterprise (CFE) business model and vital for communities to sustain and enhance their…
Background: Like many countries in Southeast Asia, Vietnam’s rapid population and economic growth has met challenges in infrastructure development, especially sanitation in rural areas.
Objective: As an entry point, we developed scenario planning as an action–research tool in a peri-urban…
Are the household characteristics that
are good for transition to a more diversified
market-oriented development process in Vietnam also
important for reducing poverty? Or are there tradeoffs? The
determinants of both…
Over the past two decades, the Government of Vietnam (GoV) has experimented with a variety of policies seeking to include local people in sustainable forest management. For example, Decree 02/CP (dated January 1994) marked a radical move in shifting forest management responsibility away from…
We assessed health risks related to Arsenic (As) in contaminated drinking water in Hanam, applying the Australian Environmental Health Risk Assessment Framework, which promotes stakeholder involvement in risk assessments. As concentrations in 300 tube-well water samples, before and after…
El presente informe analiza el nuevo conocimiento sobre emisiones antropogénicas de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) procedentes de actividades de la agricultura, la silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra (AFOLU por sus siglas en inglés) disponibles gracias a la nueva base de datos sobre…
This Law prescribes for the land ownership, powers and responsibilities of the State in representing the entire-people ownership of land and uniformly managing land, the land management and use regimes, and the rights and obligations of land users over the land in the territory of Vietnam. The…
Integrated Watershed Management represents an option for the management of water catchment areas. However, what may sound good in theory often proves to be very difficult when it comes to practical implementation, as an example from the Lower Mekong Region shows.