In 2010, after two decades of rapid economic growth, Vietnam passed the threshold to become a lower-middle-income economy. Sustained market-oriented reforms combined with intensive efforts to integrate into the world economy are among the key drivers of this achievement. The reform of tax policy…
In 2010, after two decades of rapid economic growth, Vietnam passed the threshold to become a lower-middle-income economy. Sustained market-oriented reforms combined with intensive efforts to integrate into the world economy are among the key drivers of this achievement. The reform of tax policy…
This publication is the product of a multi-year cluster analytical and advisory work on social and land conflict management of the World Bank office in Hanoi, which aimed to assist Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) to improve the land acquisition and conversion process to…
This document highlights the key achievements and challenges of the "Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+" project in the Asia-Pacific region from August 2010 to July 2011.
A report submitted to IFAD on the completion of the Fodder Adoption Project (FAP), (TAG 853-ILRI) programme.
Dự án này do Hội đồng Nghiên cứu Kinh tế và Xã Hội Vương quốc Anh, có sự tham gia của các nhà hoạch định chính sách, các chuyên gia lâm nghiệp và người dân liên quan đến lâm nghiệp cộng đồng tại Việt Nam. Dự án này nhấn mạnh những vấn đề chính về quản lý rừng và vận động thay đổi chính sách ở…
In Vietnam, forests have been under state stewardship for a long time. Degradation of forest resources under state management together with the high costs of forest protection has led to increased involvement of local people in forest management. Since the early 1990s, the Government of Vietnam…
This publication is focused on oil palm expansion and land tenure in several Southeast Asian palm oil producing countries (the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia) and cross-compares their experiences with the facts and myths, stories and lessons learned from other palm oil producing…
Issue poster about the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and Indigenous Peoples.
Issue poster about the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and Indigenous Peoples.
Recognizing the important role that people living in and around forests play in forest management for poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, RECOFTC conducted a study for the ASEAN Social Forestry Network and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to provide a…
Dr. Nguyen Quang Tan, RECOFTC's Vietnam Program Coordinator, reviews the drivers of deforestation and change in Lam Dong province. This pilot project was designed to improve transparency and informed participation by forest communities in schemes for making payments for environmental…