Ce numro d'Unasylva commmore les 50 ans d'exprience et d'engagement de la FAO en faveur du dveloppement international de la foresterie. Malgr un thme rtrospectif, ce numro est nettement orient vers l'avenir. Les articles rdigs par des responsables du Dpartement des forts sont…
The constitution was approved by the National Assembly.
This report details some species of fish considered appropriate for stocking the Sepik/Ramu Rivers. Fishes thought suitable for introduction have been divided into three categories: Category A (species whose introduction is recommended); Category B (species that are thought to be of particular…
This Bulletin contains the papers and proceedings of the FAO/SIDA Workshop on Organic Materials and Soil Productivity in the Near East. In view of the important complementary effect of organic materials to mineral fertilizers and their role in improving the soil?s physical properties, the…
In view of the continuing increase in cost and scarcity of mineral fertilizers resulting from the use of high-cost fossil energy, there is renewed interest in organic recycling and biological nitrogen-fixation to improve soil fertility and productivity. The workshop in Alexandria recommended…
The Study Tour was financed by the UNDP and had the following objectives. To gain knowledge and experience in: - The multiplication of Azolla as a source of biological nitrogen, particular attention being paid to propagation of Azolla and its protection form disease, insect damage and adverse…
The Eastern and Anglophone Western Africa Regional Assessment meeting was organized by a task force consisting of FAO, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Land Policy Initiative, the United Nations World Food Programme, United Nations Development Programme, the…