This is one of the seven sector analyses (Meat and Dairy; Fruit and vegetables; Cereals; Wine; Diversification, Fishery and Aquaculture, and Forestry) that have been prepared since spring 2011 for the agricultural authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina at state, entity and Brčko District level.…
Cooperation between Bulgaria and FAO started in 1967 and has continued to grow, with Bulgaria providing sustained support to the achievement of FAO’s Strategic Objectives. In recent years, their partnership has focused on supporting small family farms and giving greater recognition to their role…
The protection of fertile soils is a precondition for sustainable development. In the final document of the conference of the United Nations on sustainable development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (Rio+20 Conference), the international community thus agreed to strive for a “land degradation…
This assessment presents a synthesis of analysis to contribute to the definition of a lower carbon and greener growth path for Romania to 2050. The objective of Romania’s green growth path is to implement mitigation actions and undertake needed adaptation while preserving growth and employment.…
This assessment presents a synthesis of analysis to contribute to the definition of a lower carbon and greener growth path for Romania to 2050. The objective of Romania’s green growth path is to implement mitigation actions and undertake needed adaptation while preserving growth and employment.…
Arguing organic vs. conventional land use is broadly discussed in research papers, political discourse, and even more practical issues at farm level. In macroeconomic approach, the dilemma is that intensive agriculture that utilizes large quantities of inputs made it possible to grow enough food…
The main aims of this study are to highlight the differences and the similarities between the European model of agricultural and rural development, and the state of play in the Romanian agricultural sector. Statistically speaking, the agricultural sector's indicators of the past two decades…
This paper reviews the experiences of introducing land consolidation and land banking instruments in Central and Eastern Europe, largely to address the structural problems of small and fragmented farms. The introduction has been uneven with some countries having established operational…
This paper assesses the image differencing technique for the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the second principal component (PC2), and the TM 4 band (TM 4), as well as the post-classification comparison (PCC) in order to analyze the land use/land cover changes in the South-East…
Central and Eastern Europe is experiencing significant land degradation, at the same time as social, economic and political transformation, and within the broader context of global climate change. This paper uses satellite data, primary field data and secondary information on Romania's…
During the communist regime, Romania’s planned economy focused exclusively on production neglecting the environment protection. The lack of less polluting production technologies and of environmental protection measures led to excessive pollution in certain industrialized areas. This is the case…
Ce document décrit le point de vue des parties prenantes sur le développement des Directives Volontaires pour la gouvernance foncière. Ces Directives représentent le plus grand «terrain d’entente» sur la gouvernance foncière qui a été trouvé à ce jour dans un forum mondial. Ce consensus a été…