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Reports & Research
November 2000

Meeting symbol/code: NEFC 2000 2

Reports & Research
November 2000

Meeting symbol/code: NERC 00 2

Reports & Research
November 2000

Meeting symbol/code: FO:NEFC/2000/REP
Session: Sess. 14

Reports & Research
November 2000

Meeting symbol/code: FAO-RNE--ALAWUC/NE/00/REP
Session: Sess. 1

Reports & Research
November 2000

Meeting symbol/code: FAO-RNE--ALAWUC/NE/00/REP
Session: Sess. 1

Journal Articles & Books
December 1999

This paper aims to describe the state of theart of both water harvesting (WH) andsupplemental irrigation (SI) techniques in the temperate and sub-tropical dry lands, especiallyin the countries of WANA that are characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate. In addition,three case studies of water…

Reports & Research
November 1999

This report summarizes the results obtained during 1998/99 season related to the socioeconomic research component of Integrated Watershed Development Project in Mihassa. The Project aims at developing sustainable practices of water harvesting and water spreading techniques, under very arid…

Reports & Research
November 1998

The "Expert Consultation on Integrated Management of Land and Water within an Agro-SylvoPastoral System" was held in Safita, Syria (Cham Safita Palace Hotel) during the period 16-18 June 1997.The Consultation was jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of…

Reports & Research
July 1998

يلخص هذا التقرير النتائج التي تم التوصل إليها في موسم 1998 /1999 و المتعلقة بدراسة الجانب الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي من مشروع التنمية المتكاملة للمساقط المائية في محسة. و يهدف المشروع المذكور إلى تطوير الأعمال الدائمة لحصاد و نشر المياه في الظروف القاحلة ليستفاد منها في زيادة كمية الأعلاف و تحسين…