The present Law determines the legal basis for carrying out geodetic and cartographic activity and is aimed at meeting the demand of legal and physical persons in geodetic and cartographic products. Geodetic and cartographic activity is productive, technical and scientific activity related to…
Lease represents fixed-date contractual charged possession of land and land tenure and possession of other natural resources (art. 1). Land and other natural resources can be granted on lease (art. 3). Rent shall include depreciation charges imposed on leasehold. Depreciation charges shall not…
The President of the Supreme Soviet decrees to put into effect Land Code from 1 December 1990 while the Articles 37-40 shall be put into effect from 1 January 1991. Till the conformation of land legislation to Land Code land legislation currently in force shall be applicable to the extent of…
In case of expropriation for state or public need of the plots of land with the housing facilities situated thereon owned by natural persons they shall be assigned housing facilities of equal value by the state, cooperative or social organization to which alternative plots of public land must be…
The following amendments and addenda are introduced into the Law on investment activities: 1. The first issue of the Article 2 acquires a new wording: “investment activity means the totality of practical actions of state, natural and legal persons in realization of investments.” The second…
The present Law determines economic, legal and social basis of the organization and functioning of peasant associations. Peasant association is and autonomous economic entity with the status of legal person set up on voluntary basis by persons engaged in agricultural production. Peasant…
The present Agreement is applicable to expropriated land, including arable land, pastures and land for waterworks, pertaining to Abumuhar and Karsh irrigation channels, and Tuymuyun water reservoir that have been conceded to the Parties on condition of joint permanent land tenure. The Parties…
The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational land tenure and soil conservation, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment for the purpose of the equal development of all forms of economic activity. Land…
This Law applies to relations originating after the Land Code came into force. Until national legislation is brought into conformity with the Land Code, land legislation shall be valid to the extent it is not inconsistent with the Land Coder.
Implements: Land Code. (2004-11-01)
This Presidential Decree establishes that State Commission on Land Reform shall carry out the following tasks: (a) examination and expertise of reports submitted by local self-government related to allotment of land in ownership for the production of agricultural commodities; (b) supervision…
The President decrees to allocate area on the Eastern coast of the Caspian sea with defined administrative and territorial boundaries and with particular legal status with a view of creation of the national tourist area “Avaza”. Legal and natural persons shall operate in the aforesaid tourist…
This Presidential Decree establishes the modalities of preparation of documentation, registration and issuance of certificates for land plots allotted in ownership, tenancy and lease to natural persona, legal persons of Turkmenistan and foreign states, and also to foreign states and…