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Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

This paper presents an illustrated guide to the identification of non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) preserved in lake-sediment archives from equatorial East Africa. Modern NPPs were recovered from recently deposited surface sediment in 20 small crater lakes in western Uganda, located along…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

The extensive area of degraded tropical land and the calls to conserve forest biodiversity and sequester carbon to offset climate change demonstrate the need to restore forest in the tropics. Deforested land is sometimes replanted with fast-growing trees; however, the consequences of intensive…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

Although protected areas have become the primary mechanism for biodiversity conservation, their establishment can have long-term impacts on land use, land cover, and livelihoods of people living near them. Where land use and resource extraction is severely limited, local people turn to resource…

Reports & Research
December 2011

Land distribution is highly skewed in Africa, where women’s ownership of land is a small percentage of that owned by men. Women frequently lack the resources to acquire land in their own right and are further disadvantaged by discriminatory inheritance laws, customary practices and market…

Reports & Research
December 2011

Climate-induced livelihood transitons in the agricultural systems of Africa are increasingly likely. There has been only limited study on what such transitons might look like, but it is clear that the implicatons could be profound in relaton to social, environmental, economic and politcal efects…

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2011

Remote sensed imagery in combination with secondary agricultural statistic was used to map crop water productivity (WP) in the Nile River Basin. Land productivity and crop tandardized gross value production (SGVP) were calculated at administrative level using the agricultural census data. Actual…

Reports & Research
December 2011

This article estimates the poverty reducing impact of the recent land reforms and land transfers in the different land tenure systems of Uganda. Using balanced panel data for 309 households in 2001, 2003, and 2005, models that control for unobserved household heterogeneity and endogeneity of…

Reports & Research
December 2011

Despite formal legal recognition of women’s land rights, no government institution is mandated to protect women’s land rights or to ensure their legal implementation and enforcement. The roles of decentralized land administration institutions do not include the protection of women’s land rights…

December 2011

This Act provides administration arrangements for the city of Kampala and provides with respect to its development, physical planning. It establishes the Capital City Authority and the Metropolitan Physical Planning Authority. The Minister may, in consultation with the Authority and with the…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2011

In cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia, the Subregional Office of Eastern Africa (SFE) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) introduced a parasitic wasp to control a fast-spreading aphid pest infestation threatening to destroy cypress tree plantations in…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 19. Ce rapport a été écrit faisant partie du processus global de consultation et d’élaboration des Directives Volontaires et vise à contribuer à la préparation subséquente du Guide Technique pour le Genre. Le rapport contextualise et définit le genre…