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May 2007

Despite the challenges and constraints faced by my Ministry in the last financial year, we were able to register major achievements which include; commencement of the process of consultation on the development of a National Land Policy; submission of the Mortgage Bill to Parliament, approval of…

Policy Papers & Briefs
April 2007

A Special Product (SP) is an agricultural product “out of the WTO” in that they are not subject to tariff reductions, i. e. Countries can keep the right to maintain protective tariffs on certain agricultural products that are essential for food security, rural development, and farmers’…

Reports & Research
April 2007

Regardless of the definition of the informal sector, there is wide spread consensus that the sector is important to the developing world. The International Lab-our Organization estimated that in 1990, 21 percent of the Sub-Saharan Africa's 227 million labour force was working in the…

Reports & Research
January 2007

This scoping study on women's access to land in East Africa sets up a conceptual framework in which to consider issues of women's land tenure and identifies key aras for future research as well as key actiors toward increased jender equity in land rights.

[From the Introduction…

Reports & Research
December 2006

"This report assesses the impact of IFPRI's Global Research Program on The Sustainable Development of Less-Favored Areas ("GRP-5"). Initiated in 1998, the stated objectives of the research program were (a) to provide empirical evidence on appropriate development strategies…

Reports & Research
December 2006

The National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) program of Uganda is an innovative public-private extension service delivery approach, with the goal of increasing market oriented agricultural production by empowering farmers to demand and control agricultural advisory services. Although…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2006

Increasingly, social capital, defined as shared norms, trust, and the horizontal and vertical social networks that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutually beneficial collective action, is seen as an important asset upon which people rely to manage natural resources and resolve…

December 2006

Rising poverty in rural Uganda is linked to increasing landlessness, as the latter drives land degradation and reduces agricultural productivity. This paper examines the complex relationship between owning land and poverty. It identifies effective strategies and land policy guidance to address…