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February 2024

Since independence, the Government of Sri Lanka has implemented various policies and initiatives to boost agricultural production. One of the enduring, costly, and politically sensitive measures aimed at promoting paddy farming has been the fertilizer subsidy program which was initiated in 1962…

December 2023

Key messages:
• Seven agriculture and agrifood value chain innovations are found to improve employment and income opportunities in the agrifood value chains.
• Such income and employment require adequate enabling policies, including infrastructure investments, support to…

December 2023

Background and context
With the decentralization processes underway in most countries of the Congo Basin, community involvement in decision-making is becoming an imperative, particularly with regard to land and resource management (Beatty, M.T. et al. (1978). To ensure that this…

December 2023

Context and backgroundConventional methods for measuring water point accessibility based on threshold demand or distance, result in uniform indices that may be inflated/deflated at different dwelling places within administrative units.Goal and Objectives:This study aims to increase the accuracy…

December 2023

Context and background:
Urban green areas are critical in generating community social, economic, environmental, and health advantages. However, clear and reliable data on the spatial extent, distribution, accessibility, and attractiveness of green spaces and parks in the three African…

December 2023

Suite à l’augmentation pléthorique sans cesse croissant des effectifs des étudiants dans les quatre Universités de Bamako (USJPB, USSGB, ULSHB, USTB), les violences estudiantines perpétrées à cet effet au niveau de toutes les Facultés de ces structures d’une part. Et d’autre part l’insuffisance…

December 2023

Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2), Zero Hunger, by 2030 is in jeopardy due to slowing and unequal economic growth, climate shocks, the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, lackluster efforts toward investing in food system sustainability and agricultural productivity growth, and…

December 2023

Across sub-Saharan Africa, countries with a greater percentage of overlapping days in their school and farming calendars also have lower primary school survival rates. In theory, greater overlap between the school and farming calendars should indeed reduce schooling investments, and farm-based…

December 2023

This report is generated as part of a scoping study to identify possible areas that should be prioritized for intervention to improve performance and sustainability of the dairy industry in Uganda. The evaluation relies on primary and secondary data collected by IFPRI and DDA in 2021. Ten…

December 2023

Climate change is resulting in increased frequency of extreme weather events, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) already characterized by highly vulnerable malnourished populations. Unsurprisingly, there are many empirical studies of the linkages between extreme weather…

December 2023

Since independence, the Government of Sri Lanka has implemented various policies and initiatives to boost agricultural production. One of the enduring, costly, and politically sensitive measures aimed at promoting paddy farming has been the fertilizer subsidy program which was initiated in 1962…