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Journal Articles & Books
November 1993

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, les ressources en eau de plus en plus limitées et la mauvaise utilisation de l’eau douce mettent en péril le développement durable. Plus des deux tiers de l’eau prélevée dans les fleuves, lacs et nappes aquifères étant utilisés pour l’irrigation, l’…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1991

Throughout history, the forests have been valued for the multiplicity of products and benefits that they provide, both for subsistence and for trade: foods, medicines, spices, resins, gums, latexes, wildlife, fuelwood, and of course timber and other wood products. The literature is rich with…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1991

Tout au cours de l'histoire, les forts ont t estimes pour l'abondance des biens qu'elles prodiguent: produits de subsistance et produits d'change, aliments, remdes, pices, rsines, gommes, latex, gibier, bois de feu et, naturellement, bois d'uvre avec tous ses drivs. Les…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1991

En el curso de la historia, los bosques fueron apreciados por la multiplicidad de productos y beneficios que rendan, ya sea como medio de subsistencia que de comercio: comestibles, medicinas, especias, resinas, gomas, ltex, fauna, combustible, y madera y productos forestales, etc. La literatura…

February 1985

This Act provides rules relative to the carrying out of land survey and creates the Land Surveyors Board. The Board shall maintain a register of surveyors, determine the qualifications and experience of surveyors and hear and determine disciplinary proceedings against surveyors in accordance…

December 1984

These Regulations implement various provisions of the land Surveyors Act. They provide, among other things, for: Regulations affecting all land surveys made under section 18 of the Act; resolution of disputes, units of measurement, systems of coordinates and projections, presentation of surveys…

February 1984

These Rules require that there shall be maintained in Port Vila a Land Records Office in which shall be kept a register to be known as the Land Leases Register. These Regulations provide for matters of the land Records Office such as Hours of public business of the Office, amendments,…

February 1984

This Act makes provision with respect to the creation and registration of leases. There shall be a Land Leases Register for the registration of each lease required to be registered by this Act. The Act defines various conditions applying to a registered lease and the effects of registration.…

December 1980

The constitution was drafted by Constitutional Planning Committee and finalised by a constitutional conference. It was ratified by the British and French governments.

July 1980

This Act makes provisions for the alienation of private (custom) land and the use of public land by custom users, the development of public land and various other matters relative to land titles, use and management.The Act consists of 24 sections divided into 13 Parts: Interpretation (1);…

Manuals & Guidelines
December 1969

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and other development partners are working together with countries to prepare Voluntary Guidelines that will provide practical guidance to states, civil society, the private sector, donors and development specialists on the…