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This Law amends articles 2, 30, 45 of Law No. 9482 of 2006 on legalization, urbanization, and integration of unlawful constructions. The amendments affect the scope of law by making it applicable on unlawful constructions built after the date this law enters into force only when the legalization…


This Law amends and supplements several articles of Law 10119 of 2009 on land use planning. It introduces planning instruments, both local and central, as administrative acts prepared for the whole territory of communes and municipalities that define the policies and rules of land use as well as…


Areas of public forest and pasture maybe leased to public or private entities through public biddings. The designated bodies for examining and approving the awards, rules of procedure, and the type of activities allowed on these areas are provided for in the Instruction.
Implements: Law No…


This Regulation prescribes all necessary rules and requirements aimed to correctly define the basic geodetic works on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, and all other works and/or activities related to the construction, management and maintenance of the state geodetic reference system (on…


This Regulation defines the issues, contents and concrete scopes, rules and requirements, technical and other norms necessary for the correct functioning of the digital geodetic plan (complete digital state survey of land parcels), as well as maintenance and public informing principles.


This Regulation stipulates the conditions and manner for the correct expert examination (employees who work on surveying and maintenance of real estate cadastre, and land evaluation), including the rules and requirements for the development and maintenance of real estate cadastre, also defining…


This Regulation prescribes the correct manner, conditions and procedures for official assigning of survey works on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, handled and to be authorized by the State Geodetic and Property Affairs direction, that has power to offer and grant land survey to state,…


These provisions lay down amendments and addenda to the Nitrates Action Programme Regulations. New definitions are inserted in regulation 2 (livestock unit, deep litter system). The addenda concern exemptions for units of bovines, swine, ovines, caprines and rabbits, as well as production units…


This Regulation prescribes the necessary methods, in terms of technical rules and requirements, cadastre and survey issues, all regarding the underground and surface pipelines, used for the following: water supply/flow; sewerage and waste waters; thermal waters flow; electro-energy transmission…


This Regulation provides various rules and provisions all aimed to define the concrete establishment and maintenance of the real estate cadastre (on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, autonomous district of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).The provided provisions are also…


La presente Ley Foral modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de la actividad de ordenación del territorio, de la actividad urbanística y el régimen de utilización del suelo, respecto a medidas para favorecer el urbanismo sostenible, la renovación urbana y la actividad urbanística en…


La presente Ley sobre la sobre la ehesa en Extremadura, que es toda finca rústica en la que más de cien hectáreas de su superficie, sea susceptible, según su destino agrario más idóneo, de un aprovechamiento ganadero en régimen extensivo. Igualmente se considerarán dehesas todas las fincas que…