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La presente Orden modifica la que determinan el cuadro de módulos específicos de valor unitario de suelo a efectos de lo establecido en la Ley del catastro inmobiliario, respecto a la determinación de los módulos de valoración aplicable a los inmuebles.
Implementa: Real Decreto Legislativo…


These Regulations concern the submission and valuation of applications for development plans. Specific provisions regard the environment and development brief to be made in relation to any development mentioned in Schedule 1.
Implements: Development Planning Act, 1992 (Act No. I of 1992…


La presente Resolución tiene por objeto aprobar los programas y aplicaciones informáticas para la consulta telemática de la información catastral y la obtención de certificados catastrales telemáticos por parte de las administraciones, instituciones, titulares catastrales e interesados.

National Policies

The National Forest Policy of Montenegro is a national sectoral policy whose main objectives are: a) to ensure and improve long-term resistance and productivity of forests and other ecosystems; b) to ensure the maintenance of plant and animal species; c) to ensure sustainable forest…


This Law officially defines the boundaries and physical limits, management and conservation practices, charges and compensation issues, correct use and ownership, and various protection rules all regarding the part of the Konjuh (located on the territory of the Tuzla Canton, autonomous district…


This Regulation sets up the Compensation Fund under the Agency for the Restitution and Compensation of Properties (ARCP). The Fund is destined to restitution and compensation purposes according to Law No. 9235 on restitution and compensation of property.
Implements: Law No. 9235 on…


This Regulation prescribes the content and manner for the correct keeping of the Central register of planning documents (including various sectors, such as land planning, physical planning and construction).The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.


The Regulation lays down the criteria and the rules of procedure for the implementation of the instruments of territory planning and development. It consists of two main parts covering General Provisions (1), and Territory Development (2). The Territory Development sets forth provisions on…


This Law provides for the administration, rights of use and protection of pastures and meadows. Pasture and meadows are every kind of land covered by grass or shrubs which forms part of agricultural land or the forest fund according to the cadastral documentation of 1 August 1991 (and not being…


This Order approves the Regulation for the environmental measures to be applied within the Rural Development Plan - RURIS. The Regulation consists of 8 chapters and 8 annexes establishing the financial assistance regime with the following purposes: a) promote agricultural land exploitation…


La presente Ley establece medidas urgentes en materia de ordenación territorial para la dinamización sectorial y la ordenación del turismo, con el objetivo de abordar lod principios del marco en el que el turismo, principal actividad económica del archipiélago, deba desarrollarse en los próximos…


The Decision 1190 of 2009 lays down the framework of the National Agency of Territory Planning (NATP) as a legal entity under the authority of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication. The Decision is composed of the following Chapters: General Provisions (I), NATP…