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Training Resources & Tools

This category includes resources on different types of tools and strategies to address land governance issues as well as training packages. Documents that support actors working on land-related organizations are also included in this category. This category is more specific and directly action-focused than the Manuals and Guidelines category.

دليل لتحسين حوكمة النظم العقارية الرعوية في موريتانيا

Training Resources & Tools
September, 2021

هذا الدليل التوضيحي المبين بالصور هو ثمرة مسار تشاركي شامل لتعزيز قدرات اللجان الجهوية للانتجاع التي ضمت أكثر من تسعين مشاركا (منمون ورعاة وإدارات مركزية ومجالس جهوية وهيئات فنية جهوية ولامركزية تابعة لمختلف القطاعات الوزارية الأساسية ومنظمات غير حكومية على مستوى الولايات الرعوية)


Getting it right from planning to reporting: A guidance tool for women’s land rights data and statistics

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2021

To ensure a better and more sustainable future for all, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (“the 2030 Agenda”) has identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. SDGs range from poverty eradication, zero hunger, decent work and reduced inequalities to quality education, clean water and sanitation, and gender equality, only to name some of them.

Community-based forestry assessment

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2020

In 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) published a framework to provide important insights into the successes and shortcomings of community-based forestry at the country level. A framework to assess the extent and effectiveness of community-based forestry also helps national governments determine and track the extent and effectiveness of the wide array of CBF initiatives.

Poster: Tackling Land Corruption with Open Data

Training Resources & Tools
November, 2020

Open Data is data that can be freely used, shared and built-on by anyone, anywhere, for any purpose. Open Data is widely considered to be an effective response to land corruption by increasing transparency, supporting innovation and increasing civic engagement. Advocates of open data believe in its potential for empowering citizens to gain more insight on government spendings and land-related decisions; giving civil society greater power to hold governments accountable for their actions.

Agroforestry for climate-resilient landscapes

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2020
South-Eastern Asia

RECOFTC, in partnership with ICRAF, has developed a regional training manual on agroforestry for climate-resilient landscapes with the objective to train future extensionists and practitioners working on agroforestry. To ensure the efficacy of the manual, each training sessions has been tested with a range of audiences at national and international levels. These include mid-level government officers, NGO staff and academics from Thailand, Myanmar and Viet Nam.