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The modern concept of rural development implies the use of agricultural resources,primarily agricultural land, for other (non-agricultural) activities besides its agriculturalpurpose. The integral aim of this concept of rural development is the maximization ofeconomic results, besides the sustainable development of rural areas, environmentalprotection and the production of strategic (staple) agricultural products.The objective of this paper is to define the general, theoretical, quantitative model forthe determination of the size and quality of agricultural land which, considering theabove-mentioned demands (criteria) is optimal for the utilization in agriculturalproduction in certain regions. The remaining agricultural land would be available forthe non-agricultural purposes.The economic optimal model for the selection of agricultural land in the traditionalagriculture is the model of linear programming. The criteria of the land selectionfor traditional agriculture are the economic effectiveness (measured by net incomeor by gross national product) and the economic efficiency (measured by theproduction economy). The maximum economic effectiveness is determined by thestandard method of linear programming and the maximum economy by the methodof broken linear programming. The solution of compromise can be determined bymulti-criteria programming, based on the minimum differences.The limitation groups in the mentioned variations of the model are: limitations ofproduction quotas of agricultural products, minimum quantities of staple agriculturalproducts, limitations of processing plants in a region (minimum and maximum),limitation of crop rotation, limitations of the needs in animal husbandry for bulky forageand limitations of agricultural land according to various types of utilization. Byquantitative defining of the structure and size of agricultural land for traditionalagriculture, “the surplus” and structure of agricultural land available for non-agriculturalpurposes is automatically determined.