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The amendments of the principal Act concern, inter alia, the acquisition of lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in the Act on Agricultural Production Units (188/77), the Reindeer Breeding Act (161/90) and the Rural Activities Act (1295/90) (sects. 8 and 9), use of land for other purposes as indicated in those Acts (sect. 16), Disposition Plans for the land acquired (sect. 19), the determination of such Plans by District Agricultural Offices (sect. 22), land survey (sect. 23), price of the land (sect. 28), terms of loans (sect. 29), contribution to the costs of waterworks (sect. 34), and the limitation of freedom to alienate the land purchased in accordance with provisions of this Act.
Amends: Nature-based Activities Act (No. 610 of 1984). (1984-08-24)
Repeals: Nature-based Activities Act (No. 610 of 1984). (1984-08-24)