Resource information
These Regulations, consisting of 16 sections divided into five Parts and completed by one Schedule, set out the conditions for applications for division or amalgamation of land and the requirements for the subsequent plans. The Regulations are divided as follows: Land division, including transactions excluded from unlawful division provisions and the certificate of licensed surveyor (2); Land amalgamation, including examination of plans (3); Certification of instruments (4); Verification of identity requirements (4A) and Miscellaneous (5).
Implements: Real Property Act 1886. (2017-10-24)
Repeals: Real Property (Certification of Instruments) Regulations 1995. (1995-09-01)
Repeals: Real Property (Fees) Regulations 2002. (2007-07-01)
Repeals: Real Property (Land Division) Regulations 1995. (2007-07-01)