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The Operations Evaluation Department
(OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank. The
goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide
an objective basis for assessing the results of the Bank’s
work, and to provide accountability in the achievement of
its objectives. This report on the Post-Conflict Fund (PCF)
is one of twenty six case studies that have been prepared as
source material for the second phase of OED’s independent
evaluation of the Bank’s involvement in global programs. The
program objective is to position the Bank through
constructive engagement in conflict-affected countries where
normal instruments and budget provisions cannot apply. The
key findings are as follows : (i) a flexible instrument such
as the PCF serves the needs that the Bank’s numerous
instruments do not fulfill in conflict-affected countries;
(ii) yet if the policy guidelines under which it operates
are too flexible, and the DGF criteria are ambiguous and
insufficiently enforced, the instrument can be less than
fully effective; (iii)Programs can continue over several
years without a results-based framework and strong
monitoring and evaluation; (iv) as currently designed, the
country-by-country approach of the program does not
sufficiently generate broader cross-country lessons and does
not exploit the program’s full potential to serve the Bank
and its partners strategically; and (v) a global partnership
program on conflict-affected countries with partners at the
governance level might help the Bank, United Nations (UN)
agencies, and other stakeholders to better respond to the
transition from relief, to rehabilitation and reconstruction
and development. Finally, this being an OED evaluation, it
focuses primarily on the Bank’s strategic role and
performance in playing up to its comparative advantage
relative to other partners in each program.