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Showing items 8587 through 8595 of 73598.Este artigo trata dos resultados parciais do estudo que tem como objeto monitorar e avaliar os serviços turísticos da cidade de Cuiabá MT pactuadas na Matriz de Responsabilidade, projetos e especificações técnicas exigidas pela da Federation Internationale de Football Association – FIFA, para rea
The considerable diffusion of technologies that use drones as the carriers that make it possible to bring photogrammetric sensors to heights for the acquisition of territorial information is arousing interest in a production sector, that of geotopographic information, which like other sectors, ne
Immediately after the 1967 war and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza the national religious youngsters (Gush Emmunim settlers) reached out to settle the new frontier of the biblical places. By thus, they have developed a Messianic myth.
At the present stage of development of land relations in major cities of our country important issue is the development of investment, attract and use foreign investment.
This paper proposes that, different though they are, the processes of urban development in China and the UK can be analytically compared by looking at the commonly occurring opposition and resistance to that development.
In broader terms, the paper refers to the topic of brownfield regeneration, as one of the most complex mechanisms for sustainable spatial development.
Il presente lavoro propone una metodologia operativa per la definizione di coefficienti correttivi da applicare alle rendite catastali, definiti sulla base del contributo marginale della posizione al prezzo di mercato.
Les deux conurbations du Grand Manchester et de la Ruhr (et plus particulièrement la vallée de l’Emscher) ont connu à partir des années 1960 de profondes restructurations économiques liées à l’arrêt progressif de leur activité traditionnelle : l’industrie textile et l’exploitation du charbon.
Recentemente è stato proposto un metodo per affinare il processo di previsione del valore del bene trasformato in contesti caratterizzati da una ridotta quantità di dati (d’Amato, 2015a; d’Amato, 2015b).
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