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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

Displaying 2413 - 2424 of 4991

Returning LRA hostages face new ordeal over land conflicts in rural Uganda

07 May 2018

"They killed, therefore they do not deserve to be given land. The community members are angry with them"

GULU, Uganda - When Julius Peter was finally freed after seven years held hostage by Uganda's notorious Lord’s Resistance Army, he and his family hoped their lives would finally return to normal.

Instead, it was the start of a whole new ordeal.

Liberians plan sit-in to pressure Weah to protect land rights

07 May 2018

NAIROBI - Chiefs across Liberia are petitioning lawmakers while activists prepare for a sit-in protest in the nation's capital as they push to secure ancestral land rights, regarded as key to averting renewed bloodshed in the resource-rich country.

About 100 women marched on the presidential palace last week to kick off a campaign to amend the Land Rights Act (LRA), a watered-down version of which was passed by the House of Representatives in August, after years of delay, activists said.

Indigenous Brazilians rally to demand land rights protection

07 May 2018

Sao Paulo, Brazil - Thousands of indigenous Brazilians from across the country have rallied in the capital, Brasilia, to call authorities to protect their land rights.

Organisers of the annual "Free Land Camp" in Brasilia said more than 3,000 people reached the city this week to denounce what advocacy groups say is a continuing and unprecedented rollback of indigenous rights in the country.

Urban nomads: Mongolian herders face cultural and climate change on road to new future

07 May 2018

As climate-driven drought takes hold, Mongolia's nomads are retreating to the city - and facing choking pollution

ULAANBAATAR - With about 100 sheep and goats, Jugder Samdan makes just enough to scrape by as a nomadic herder in Mongolia, basking in the sun as he watches over his animals, but he worries about the future.

Improving Large Scale Agriculture Investments

07 May 2018

Successful agricultural development initiatives associated with poverty reduction have seldom included large-scale land-based investment. Feed the Future focuses on smallholder-led agricultural growth as the principal engine of poverty reduction and food security. Investment in agriculture of all sizes, however, can be constructive and is encouraged by the U.S. Government, but investments must take into account specific country contexts and circumstances and respect the rights of local populations.

Help us improve your experience on the Land Portal

03 May 2018

The Land Portal is continuously trying to improve its services to valued users such as yourself.

If you have not already done so, please take 5-10 minutes to complete this short survey so that we can improve. Your responses are anonymous, so please do feel free to answer honestly.

Thanks very much in advance for your help and support.


Click here and fill in the short survey (English)


Hundreds gather in Samoa to protest about land rights

17 April 2018

Hundreds of people gathered on Samoa's biggest island on Saturday to protest the abuse of customary land rights.

A spokesperson for the Samoa Solidarity International Group said 700 people came from across Savai'i to push for a repeal of the Lands and Titles Registration Act 2008.

According to Unasa Iuni Sapolu, the act allows communally held customary lands to be leased to third parties without the consent of all landowners.

She said this alienated some of the owners from their land and the opportunities it offered.

International Land Coalition Vacancy: Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEL) Officer (Local hire)

17 April 2018

Environment Liaison Center International (ELCI) is hiring for the Regional Coordination Unit of the International Land Coalition in Africa, ILC Africa a Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEL) Officer.

Position title: Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEL) Officer (Local Contract)

Duty station: Nairobi-Kenya, Kasarani, ICIPE Duduville Campus.

Reporting to:  ILC Africa Regional Coordinator

Qualifications / Preconditions: 

Call for organisations to host interns for the ILC internship programme

17 April 2018



*Accepting applications on a rolling basis* 

The ILC Secretariat is now accepting applications from member organisations to host interns for the ILC internship programme. The internship programme aims at giving the opportunity to Master’s students and young researchers from within the ILC network to be placed for an internship in another ILC member organisation.


Why should you apply?