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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

Displaying 4357 - 4368 of 4991

Brazil indigenous community faces imminent eviction over land dispute: Amnesty

By: Chris Arsenault

Date: June 14th 2016

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

RIO DE JANEIRO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - An indigenous community in southwestern Brazil faces imminent eviction from its traditional territories, Amnesty International said on Tuesday, in a case exemplifying ongoing land conflicts in South America's largest country.

Uganda: Poor Landowners Caught Up in Fight for Land in Oil-Rich Buliisa

By: Francis Mugerwa

Date: December 19th 2016

Source: / The Monitor

Perched on a wooden stool under a tree shade in his courtyard, Mr Eriakimu Kaseegu, props his cheek in his right palm, seeming to be in deep thought. His home is located in Kisimo Cell, Buliisa Town Council in Buliisa District, some 284 kilometres northwest of Kampala. The area has at least 26 oil wells.

The Ancient Hunter-Gatherer Tribe That’s Protecting Traditional Forests With the Help of Carbon Trading

By: Sophie Tremblay & Willy Lowry

Date: 4 January 2017

Source: Pacific Standard

Yaeda Valley in Tanzania is home to the Hadzabe, one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in the world, and they are using carbon trading to save their forests.

YAEDA VALLEY, TANZANIA — “Carbon,” says Mzee Sinze while sitting in the shade of an ancient, giant Baobab tree. “Carbon is very important to us Hadzabe.”

The U.S. Government's National Action Plan should address U.S. business conduct related to large-scale agricultural investments

The U.S. Government is working to develop a National Action Plan to promote responsible business conduct abroad that is consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This process provides an opportunity to reflect on how the United States can develop regulatory and voluntary measures that will help U.S. companies act responsibly and consistently with the UN Guiding Principles, regardless of the host country operating environment.