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News on Land

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Displaying 4537 - 4548 of 4991

Western Australia land tenure changes likely to impact property demand

By: Linda Rowley (property editor)
Date: February 10th 2016
Source: Beef Central

The scope for pastoral diversification in Western Australia’s Kimberley/Pilbara region has been limited by outdated land tenure laws that are now being overhauled by the WA state government. The new form of land tenure known as the ‘Rangelands Lease’ follows years of lobbying by pastoralists. (...)


Tanzania: Three Morogoro Region Districts to Benefit From Land Tenure Programme

By: Jimmy Lwangili
Date: March 4th 2016
Source: / Tanzania Daily News

Morogoro — Three districts in Morogoro Region will have their land surveyed in a bid to help people access title deeds and proper management of their land.

Surveying land and allocating it for various purposes will be done in Ulanga, Malinyi and Kilombero districts, through implementation of the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) for Tanzania that kicked off in January 2015.

Botswana women allowed to inherit after High Court ruling overturns customary law

[via BBC News Africa] 12 October 2012- The Botswana High Court has overturned a customary law which prevented women from inheriting the family home. The judge ruled that the law contravened the constitution, which guarantees equality for men and women.

Edith Mmusi and her sisters have fought a five-year legal battle after their nephew said he was the rightful owner of their house. Correspondents say traditions which stop women from inheriting property exist in many African societies.

'Respect our culture'

Indian land bill will be no remedy for land conflicts

Indian land bill no remedy for conflict: activists

(AFP) – 4 hours ago  

NEW DELHI — India's land acquisition bill which the Congress-led government hopes to pass this week will only set the stage for more conflict, land rights groups said on Tuesday.

The government aims to present the bill in parliament after the cabinet approved the measure, which is seen as a crucial reform to increase infrastructure development and spur slowing economic growth.