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Community Organizations Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank
International or regional financial institution


The Asian Development Bank was conceived in the early 1960s as a financial institution that would be Asian in character and foster economic growth and cooperation in one of the poorest regions in the world.

As a multilateral development finance institution, ADB provides:

  • loans
  • technical assistance
  • grants

Our clients are our member governments, who are also our shareholders. In addition, we provide direct assistance to private enterprises of developing member countries through equity investments and loans.

ADB maximizes the development impact of its assistance by

  • facilitating policy dialogues,
  • providing advisory services, and
  • mobilizing financial resources through cofinancing operations that tap official, commercial, and export credit sources



Displaying 31 - 35 of 37

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Production Intensification and Vulnerability Reduction Project


The project¿s overall objective is to improve the living conditions and climate resilience of rural populations in Burundi¿s central plateau through an integrated land management approach involving the optimal use of natural resources tailored to growing population pressure. The development objective is the sustainable growth of agricultural productivity and production and the diversification of economic opportunities in rural areas. This will be achieved by: (i) strengthening of the capacities and means of production of small-scale farmers;(ii) the adoption of climate-resilient production systems by small-scale farmers;(iii) optimal participatory management of natural resources in the hills; (iv) support for grassroots community organizations, especially cooperatives, through the value-enhancement and marketing of their products; (v) the promotion of economic activities to boost the income of small-scale farmers.

FAO efforts in Afghanistan, 2021


Contributing to meeting the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s objectives of the Country Programming Framework (CPF 2017-2021). This un-earmarked funding contributes towards meeting the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s objectives of the Country Programming Framework 2017-2021 that intends to improve capacity for policy planning, land reform, decentralization, management of common natural resource; foster expansion of irrigation and field water management; and support intensive agriculture for commercialization, value chains development, and job creation. Due to its nature as a response to a humanitarian appeal operational results are general and highly aggregated and the MFA contribution is thus reflected in the overall results reporting by the partner. Please refer to the hyperlink below.


Contributing to meeting the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s objectives of the Country Programming Framework (CPF 2017-2021).

GEF 6 Core Funding 2014-2017


The Danish contribution to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) 6th replenishment amounts to 435 million DKK out of a total replenishment of 4.2 billion USD. Denmark is the 13th largest donor to GEF. GEF is the financial mechanism for a number of key international environmental conventions and agreements (climate change, international Waters, land degradation, ozone layer depletion, persistent organic pollutants, sustainable forest management and the convention on Mercury). GEF privdes grants and concessional Funding to cover the incremental or additional costs Associated with transforming a projekt with national benefits into one with global environmental benefits thereby promoting environmental sustainable development. As of today GEF is a global partnership among 183 countries, international institutions, NGOøs and the private sector. The GEF leadership is keen to place GEF prominently in the new environmental and Financial landscape including the process on developing sustainable development goals. For the same reason the GEF Council has adopted the new GEF 2020 strategy with a focus on the drivers behind environmental degradations and on synergies between activities under various conventions and agreements. The activities under GEF is currently implemented by 15 international institutions comprising multilateral banks, major UN organisations plus international non-governmental organizations.

GEF 7 (2018-2021)


The Danish contribution to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) 7th replenishment amounts to 450 million DKK out of a total replenishment of 4.1 billion USD. making Denmark the 11th largest donor to GEF for this replenishment. GEF is the financial mechanism for a number of key international environmental conventions and agreements (climate change, international Waters, land degradation, ozone layer depletion, persistent organic pollutants, sustainable forest management and the convention on Mercury). GEF provides grants and concessional Funding to cover the incremental or additional costs Associated with transforming a projekt with national benefits into one with global environmental benefits thereby promoting environmental sustainable development. As of today GEF is a global partnership among 183 countries, international institutions, NGOs and the private sector. The GEF leadership is keen to place GEF prominently in the new environmental and Financial landscape including the process on developing sustainable development goals. The activities under GEF is currently implemented by 18 international institutions comprising multilateral banks, major UN organisations plus international non-governmental organizations.