Displaying 96 - 98 of 98Park Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 344).
This Act creates a framework for the designation and management of Crown land as park land or recreation areas. In such areas, the Minister must administer the following: government rights, property and interests, wildlife and its habitats, preservation, development use, etc. of these areas and their natural resources; the regulation and control of public and private use or exploitation of these areas and their resources, and of human activity and conduct (sect. 3). It provides for "park use permits" and "resource use permits", i.e.
Land Title Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 250).
This Act sets out the legal, administrative and procedural framework for determining land title in British Columbia.
Environment and Land Use Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 117).
This Act provides for the continued activity of the "Environment and Land Use Committee", a non-remunerated office composed of a chair and other members of the Cabinet appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGC).