Displaying 31 - 35 of 51Ministry of Natural Resources Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. M.31).
The purpose of the present Act is to ensure the continuation of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The text deals, amongst others, with issues such as powers and duties of Deputy Minister and employees in general, powers of Minister, delegation of powers and duties, establishments of programs, fees, guarantees of loans, establishment of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission. The text consists of 14 sections.
Expropriations Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26).
The present Act lays down provisions relating to expropriation proceedings. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “Board”, “expropriate”, “expropriating authority”, “injurious affection”, “owner”, registered owner”, “tenant”. Section 13 establishes that where land is expropriated, the compensation payable to the owner shall be based upon: a) the market value of the land; b) the damages attributable to disturbance; c) damages for injurious affection; and d) any special difficulties in relocation.
Conservation Land Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. C.28).
The aim of the present Act is to regulate the stewardship of conservation of land. To this end the Minister may promote programs to recognize, encourage and support measures for the conservation of land. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “areas of natural and scientific interest”, “conservation land”, “conservation authority land”, “wetlands”.
Aliens' Real Property Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. A.18).
Under section 1 of this Act, every alien has the same capacity to take by gift, conveyance, descent, devise, or otherwise, and to hold, possess, enjoy, claim, recover, convey, devise, impart and transmit real estate in Ontario as a natural born or a naturalized subject of Her Majesty.
Drainage Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17).
This Act concerns the drainage works to be carried out in Ontario, it consists of 125 sections divided under the following titles: Mutual Agreement Drains, Requisition Drains, Petition Drains, Engineer's Report, Assessments, Allowances and Compensation, Appeals, Construction, Special Provisions, Maintenance, Repair and Improvement, Grants, Director, Drainage Superintendent and Commissioners, Courts of Revision, Powers of Tribunal, Referee, Appeal to Divisional Court and General.