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Community Organizations Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute
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PacLII stands for the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute. It is an initiative of the University of the South Pacific School of Law with assistance from AustLII. PacLII is a signatory to the Montreal Declaration on Public Access to Law and participates in the Free Access to Law movement, (FALM) a grouping of a number of world wide organizations committed to publishing and providing access to the law for free. PacLII is based at the Emalus Campus of the USP in Port Vila, Vanuatu.


USP School of Law is based in Port Vila and has students located across 12 countries of the Pacific who do not have easy access to the legal materials from across the region which they need to undertake their studies. PacLII was started by the School of Law as a means to overcoming the tyrannies of distance. It has grown to become a service to governments, legal professionals, NGOs, students, academics and members of the public and has been widely recognized as an example of excellence in promoting access to legal information.


PacLII collects and publishes legal materials from 20 Pacific Islands Countries on its website which is hosted by AustLII. These countries are American Samoa, Cook Islands, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.


The materials consist mainly of primary materials such as court decisions and legislation but also include decisions of various tribunals, panels, Ombudsmens reports or secondary information such as court rules or bench books. PacLII is now seeking to expand its collections to include law related materials such as subject specific papers and reports. PacLII is also developing a series of subject specific libraries utilising predetermined search technology. An Intellectual Property and a Maritime Law Library have been created and more are planned. A number of Pacific Islands Treaties are also available but direct access to the database has been suspended due to a current lack of capacity.




Displaying 171 - 175 of 298

Custom and Adopted Laws Act 1971 (No. 11 of 1971).


This Act makes provision with respect to the recognition and limitation of the institutions, customs and usages of the people of Nauru and the adoption of English law in Nauru.The Nauru institutions, customs and usages, if not abolished, altered or limited by any Law enacted by Parliament, shall have full force and effect of law to regulate, among other things, title to, and interests in, land, other than any title or interest granted by lease or other instrument or by any written law not being an applied statute.

Administration of Estates Act.


This Act concerns the administration of real estate of deceased persons by personal representative of the deceased person or executor by will. The Act also makes provision for the disposal of land subject to this Act and other administration of assets. A testator may appoint, and in default of such express appointment shall be deemed to have appointed, as his or her special executors in regard to settled land, the persons, if any, who are at his or her death the trustees of the settlement thereof, and probate may be granted to such trustees specially limited to the settled land.

Chief Lands Officer (Special Provisions)(Repeal) Act 2000 (No. 4 of 2000).


This Act provides that wherever the words "Chief Lands Officer" appears in any provisions of any enactments or any subsidiary legislation of Mauritius, such words shall be replaced with "Director of Lands". This is necessary because of the restructuring of the Lands Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development during which the title "Chief Lands Officer" was considered as being no longer appropriate to use.

Law of Property Act 1925.


This Act contains rules relative to real property and especially the lease and disposal of land.It prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, Creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates operating as conveyances by an estate owner, leasehold, rights on real property in case of infancy, lunacy or death, common ownership, registration of rights, etc.

State Acquisition of Lands (Amendment) Act 1998 (No. 1 of 1998).


This Act amends the State Acquisition of Lands Act, originally titled “Crown Acquisition of Lands Act”: in section 2 by adding definitions and by amending the definition of “public purpose”; in section 3 concerning the justification to acquire land; in section 5 concerning the Notice of intention to take land; in section 6 concerning decisions of Court regarding acquisition of land; in section 10 concerning the certificate of title; in section 13 concerning compensation for loss of rents and profits; and in section 17 concerning the effects of service of a Notice of intended acquisition.