Puerto Rico | Land Portal

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24 July 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
Puerto Rico

Residents say that quality of life is under threat from increasing tourism and rising rents that are pushing out young people and poorer families

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Walking through the hip San Juan neighbourhood (barrio) of Machuchal, it is hard to miss the house painted bright yellow, green and red, with a sign on the side reading "Casa Taft 169".



Populated for centuries by aboriginal peoples, the island was claimed by the Spanish Crown in 1493 following Christopher COLUMBUS' second voyage to the Americas. In 1898, after 400 years of colonial rule that saw the indigenous population nearly exterminated and African slave labor introduced, Puerto Rico was ceded to the US as a result of the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans were granted US citizenship in 1917. Popularly elected governors have served since 1948. In 1952, a constitution was enacted providing for internal self-government.

Universidad de Puerto Rico logo

Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR). Sistema público universitario de Puerto Rico. Es el sistema universitario más grande de Puerto Rico, y cuenta con once campus alrededor de la isla con una matrícula de más de 64.740 estudiantes.


Fuente: Wikipedia

Red regional que articula a personas y organizaciones no gubernamentales de América Latina y el Caribe para la promoción, vigilancia y defensa de los derechos humanos interdependientes e integrales de las mujeres desde el campo socio-jurídico, con una perspectiva feminista, en una dinámica que interconecta los planos locales, regionales e internacionales.

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