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Map of Southern Asia

Southern Asia

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02 May 2023
The Joint Credit Mechanism REDD+ (JCM REDD+) project will enable Cambodia to maintain the conservation of the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. The project is being extended to more than 50 villages around the sanctuary. At a last week meeting held to review the sanctuary’s progress in 2022 and plan a…
09 March 2023
Secure land rights for women and girls are linked to increased women’s leadership and autonomy, enhanced economic opportunities, better social security, safety and dignified societal standing. (ILC/Jason Taylor) Secure land rights for women and girls are linked to increased women’s leadership and…
01 June 2021
On 26-27 May this year, the 3rd Mekong Land Forum will be held online. Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) is hosting the Forum, for which Land Portal is providing technical support. The Forum will provide in-depth discussion and debate into land tenure security and community resource…
27 May 2021
The second day of the Forum built upon discussions around customary land tenure in the Mekong region, but with a focus upon private sector investment practices, particularly concerning agriculture and the potential impact on smallholder farmers, the rural poor, and the environment.   Responsible…
A century has passed since women in Undivided India, now divided into several countries of South Asia, demanded equal rights in property — especially land, the most important means of production in developing economies. The struggle continued after Independence. Today, the resultant legal reforms…