Socio-economic indicators
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Total population
Urban population
76.2 %
Land-related indicators
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Agricultural land
49.3 %
Perceived tenure security
72.6 %
NewsBrowse all
11 June 2021
LANDac is looking for an enthusiastic, goal-oriented Project Manager who has affinity with the field of land governance and development, and is committed to making knowledge management work for more effective policy implementation, innovation and upscaling. The Project Manager coordinates the…
05 March 2021
Palestinian farmers in the West Bank mainly engage in low intensity agriculture. Despite great agricultural potential, the prospect of losing access to the land impacts negatively on the willingness of farmers to invest in sustainable agricultural intensification. Moreover, prior investments in…
08 October 2020
The Dutch LAND-at-scale program was launched in March last year and since then, two rounds for land intervention ideas have been released. The program seeks ideas that contribute to improving land governance in developing countries, and that ultimately support better food and nutrition security,…
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BlogsBrowse all
11 July 2023
Good Land Governance is a governance system that aims to protect the property rights of individuals and enterprises based on following good governance principles like accountability, transparency, the rule of law, effectiveness, efficiency, equality and public participation (Espinoza et al, 2016;…
EventsBrowse all
Le Gouvernement de la République arabe d’Égypte a eu le plaisir d’annoncer la deuxième Conférence sur la terre arabe, organisée sous le patronage du Ministre égyptien du logement, des services publics et des communautés urbaines.
La conférence était organisée par le Centre national de recherche…
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