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04 July 2022
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary The presentation was organized in 3 parts: presentation of the land situation, land actors, and land revolution in the Arab Region.  After presenting the context and specificities of the Arab region, it seems that the Arab economy is related to…
The Arab Spring uprisings have released a flood of land and property conflicts, brought about by decades of autocratic rule. Expropriations, corruption, poor performance of the rule of law, patronage and sectarian discrimination built up a wide variety of land and property transgressions over…
By: Kieran Cooke Date: October 5th 2016 Source: Middle East Eye After food costs spike, Saudis spent billions buying up farm land around the world. Who benefits exactly and can the spree continue? hey control rice farms in Ethiopia, Sudan and the Philippines, cattle ranches in California and…
12 September 2022
    This blog post is part of the series What to Read.   Living in Thailand, and closely linked to efforts supporting individuals and groups in Myanmar handling the aftermath of the 2021 military coup, I hear frequent comments as to why the international focus on Ukraine has not been maintained…
  Fecha y hora: 16 de febrero de 2:00 - 3:30PM CET (3:00 - 4:30PM El Cairo, Egipto)   Inscríbase aquí   Este seminario web se organiza en el marco de la 2ª Conferencia de la Tierra Árabe Habrá traducción simultánea del inglés al árabe     Se entiende que el uso eficaz de la tierra, la…