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Daniel Hayward (UK) worked around Europe for 15 years as a dancer, choreographer and dance writer. Following retraining in sustainable development, he now works as an international development researcher, focused on land relations, agricultural value chains, gender, and migration. As well as working for Land Portal, Daniel is the project coordinator of the Mekong Land Research Forum at Chiang Mai University, and consultant for a variety of local and international NGOs and research institutes.
Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University
Displaying 1 - 10 of 835Country narrative
Land-locked Afghanistan is strategically located at the crux of Central, South and West Asia, bordered by Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China. It is a country of geographical extremes, from mountains in the
Country narrative
O Afeganistão está estrategicamente localizado no centro, sul e oeste da Ásia, fazendo fronteira com o Irã, Paquistão, Tadjiquistão, Turcomenistão, Uzbequistão e China. É um país de extremos geográficos, das montanhas do centro ao
Country narrative
L'Afghanistan, pays enclavé, occupe une position stratégique au carrefour de l'Asie centrale, du Sud et de l'Ouest. Il est bordé par l'Iran, le Pakistan, le Tadjikistan, le Turkménistan, l'Ouzbékistan et la Chine. C'est un pays d
Country narrative
Le Tadjikistan est l'État ex-soviétique le plus pauvre, bien que le nombre de pauvres ait diminué au cours des dix dernières années. Plus de la moitié de la population vit à la campagne et dépend de l'agriculture pour sa subsistance.
Country narrative
L'Azerbaïdjan a une population majoritairement urbaine et une économie alimentée par les réserves de pétrole. Suite à la réforme agraire, le fonds foncier de la république a été réparti entre les propriétés privées, municipales et
FAO Vacancy Announcement: Land Tenure Officer for Asia and the Pacific region
28 February 2024
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking qualified candidates for the below position:
Vacancy Announcement 2400483 - Land Tenure Officer, P-3, Bangkok
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Country narrative
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Country narrative