land records | Land Portal

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4 March 2021

Documented as part of the World Bank study Land Policy Reform for Agricultural Transformation in India by NRMC Centre for Land Governance, this series of case studies analyzes recent interventions by government and non-government organizations to secure land tenure rights for poor farmers—especially the landless, tenants and women, resulting in increased access to agricultural land, ma

Chengeto Tapfuma, 59, boils water for tea outside the temporary shack she now shares with her four grandchildren. Their home in Budiriro 5, a suburb of Harare, was demolished by bulldozers in December after a court ruled that the residents had built their
11 January 2021

Harare, Zimbabwe – Chengeto Tapfuma, 59, has become accustomed to pain and loss.

Three years ago, she lost her only daughter after a long illness and became the sole provider for her four grandchildren, who are now aged between eight and 13.

The oldest will start secondary school in Harare’s Budiriro suburb, close to where they live, next year.




Currently there are no resources in the Land Library for this country. Help us populate the Land Library by contributing!


We initiate, design and operate ESG Data Intermediation Services …


  1. “Food Hinterland System” and its nucleus of the distributed Digital Product Passport (dDPP) for food value chains
  2. “Fair Work” and its enforcement policy innovation
  3.  Ontochain’s Babelfish project implementation


Our concepts and services are synergetic with the swelling data-driven ESG policy stream and reflect existing, grown but sometimes transforming multi-level governance constellations.

Land and Development Expertise Center, LADEC, is a Burundian social enterprise working to promote sustainable rural development and social justice through good governance of land and landed resources. LADEC started in 2018, capitalizing on the strong experience of its founding members in localized land registration. For the time being, its action focuses mainly on research, capacity building and project administration in land governance, land-related conflict and gender issues analysis and management.

National Council of Applied Economic Research Logo

Established in 1956, NCAER is India’s oldest and largest independent, non-profit, economic policy research institute. Six decades in the life of a nation is a long time. It is even longer in the life of an institution. But the promise of NCAER—to ask the right questions, gather good evidence, analyse it well, and share the results widely—has endured. India has achieved much, and much remains undone. As the economy has changed, so too has NCAER, to continue to help understand India’s rapid economic and social transformation.

There are 157 content items of different types and languages related to land records on the Land Portal.

evidence of land rights and contractual relations

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