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Conference Papers & Reports
December 2023
Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is endowed with abundant of natural resource wealth including Diamond, Gold, and Rutile, Iron Ore, large marine resources and stretches of arable land. Despite abundant the country still faced loaming social, economic and environmental challenges that negatively impact lives of ordinary citizens.

Reports & Research
January 2024

This report provides an overview of land administration and certification efforts in Ethiopia, focusing on the Second-Level Land Certification (SLLC) program. As the most populous landlocked country in the world, Ethiopia's economy heavily relies on agriculture, making land tenure security and sustainable management crucial for livelihoods and food security.

Reports & Research
January 2024

This study focuses on evaluating the impacts of eucalyptus tree plantations and other tree species on various aspects such as agricultural production, water resources, soil nutrients, natural forests, and biodiversity in the Sidama National Regional State (SNRS) of Ethiopia.

Reports & Research
January 2024

This study focuses on land fragmentation in Ethiopia, exploring its impact on agricultural productivity and rural development. It proposes strategies for addressing fragmentation through land consolidation. The study employs a robust methodology, including data collection and analysis of  data, along with a meta-analysis of existing reports and studies on land fragmentation.

Reports & Research
January 2024

This study addresses the significant issue of land fragmentation in Ethiopia, which is characterized by  small, irregular, scattered parcels  with no or adequate road access. With landholders owning multiple small and dispersed parcels, averaging 1.5 hectares, the situation demands urgent policy intervention.

Legislation & Policies
December 2023

Dahir n° 1-19-117 du 7 hija 1440 (9 août 2019) portant promulgation de la loi n° 64-17 modifiant et complétant le dahir n° 1- 69-30 du 10 joumada I 1389 (25 juillet 1969) relatif aux terres collectives situées dans les périmètres d’irrigation

Legislation & Policies
December 2023

A destination de l’étranger, par voies ordinaire, aérienne ou de la poste rapide internationale, les tarifs prévus cicontre sont majorés des frais d’envoi, tels qu’ils sont fixés par la réglementation postale en vigueur.

Legislation & Policies
January 2023

Cette édition contient la traduction officielle des lois et règlements ainsi que tous autres décisions ou documents dont la publication au Bulletin officiel est prévue par les lois ou les réglements en vigueur

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