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HALCYON AGRI’S SUDCAM PLANTATION: The long way of suffering for Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Southern Cameroon

Reports & Research
October, 2024

Sud-Cameroun Hévéa (“SudCam”), a giant monoculture rubber plantation and a Cameroonian subsidiary base of Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited (“Halcyon Agri”) has come under intense scrutiny and criticism due to the severe human rights violations and threats to biodiversity inflicted upon the surrounding Indigenous Peoples, local communities and workers.

Saameynta Longitudinal Research

Reports & Research
September, 2024

The longitudinal study aims to delve into the link between displacement patterns and land governance in Somalia, as well as the impact of the solutions that are currently being used to address displacement in the context of the UN-led Saameynta program.

Amahoro@Scale longitudinal study

Reports & Research
September, 2024

The context of Nyanza-Lac is both complex and interesting for researching land issues. It has a very high population density (more than 50% of the whole population of Makamba Province lives in Nyanza-Lac) and attracts flows of intra- and interregional migrants in search of fertile land and income-generating opportunities in the area.

Land governance and the politics of fair transitions: Deepening the search for social justice

Conference Papers & Reports
September, 2024

The starting point for the Conference and Summit was the recognition that ongoing transitions in the name of climate change and clean energy are deeply unfair in multiple ways. Climate policies and so-called green investments place huge burdens on people and spaces in the Global South as well as on areas inhabited by marginalized populations in countries of the Global North. Their rights are put under pressure, safeguards are lacking or not enforced, and the room to defend their lands, forests, pastures, and territories is constrained.

Potential Risks to Women’s Land Rights From Climate Actions: Exploring Matrilineal Communities in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2024
Costa Rica

This paper explores ways in which global actions to tackle climate change can potentially undermine women’s land tenure security. While there is greater cognizance of the role of secure land tenure as a critical enabler of global climate goals, climate actions that fail to account for differential tenure systems and gender dynamics risk eroding women’s customary land rights and associated social support systems. The paper recommends ways to balance climate goals with land rights protection.


Bilan spatialisé de la mise en valeur agricole au Sahara algérien

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2024

Les grandes exploitations agricoles créées dans le cadre de la loi de mise en valeur agricole de 1983 dans le Sahara algérien étaient vouées à une production céréalière sous pivot. L’objectif était de développer économiquement des régions sahariennes pour partie marginalisées, ainsi que de réduire la dépendance chronique en céréales du pays. L’État a considérablement investi pour équiper ces exploitations agricoles dans le cadre d’un vaste plan de développement rural. Mais trente ans après la parution de la loi, les réalisations demeurent limitées au regard des objectifs initiaux.

Démographie et urbanisation au Sahara algérien à l’aube du XXIe siècle

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2024

La population du Sahara algérien continue, depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, à s’accroître plus rapidement que celle de l’Algérie du Nord. Plus d’un Algérien sur dix vit actuellement au Sahara, contre un sur quinze à la veille de l’Indépendance. Cette population est de plus en plus citadine et les villes importantes ne sont plus rares aujourd’hui au Sahara.

L’Algérie agricole et rurale 60 ans après : de la décolonisation au modèle concessionnaire

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2024

Après un rappel de l’héritage colonial et une critique du mythe de la prospérité coloniale, l’étude évoque les principales transformations opérées au cours des premières décennies (1960-1970) sous l’effet des politiques de réformes agraires (autogestion et révolution agraire), ainsi que les raisons qui sont au fondement des options libérales qui ont été retenues lors des décennies qui ont suivies (1980-2000).

LAND-at-scale Exchange 2024 Summary Report

Conference Papers & Reports
July, 2024
Burkina Faso

After two years of organizing the LAND-at-scale Exchange in Utrecht, the third LAND-at-scale exchange took place from June 9th to June 13th in Uganda, hosted by LAS partner UN-Habitat/ Global Land Tool Network. Nearly 60 LAS country and knowledge partners came together in Kampala to exchange lessons learned and explore common challenges. As of 2024, twelve country projects are being implemented under the LAS program, namely Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Colombia, Egypt, Iraq, Mali, Mozambique, the Palestinian Territories, Somalia, Rwanda and Uganda.