Community / Land projects / Fortalecimiento a la estructura trinacional para la implementacin del Corredor Biolgico Trinacional Montecrist
Fortalecimiento a la estructura trinacional para la implementacin del Corredor Biolgico Trinacional Montecrist
08/15 - 09/16
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
Project will support improved connectivity between protected areas of the Trifinio region by strengthening management and communication tools, and the ability of key stakeholders to use them, for the Montecristo Trifinio Trinational Biological Corridor. Project activities include working with local, national and trinational stakeholders and platforms to create a series of detailed maps (mapping of all 7 sub-corridors, land use changes, coverage maps by ecosystems to better identify ecosystem goods and services, and water supply and sources) in order to support decision-makers to carry out land use planning, identify priorities for conservation actions, and guide future funding decisions. Project will also design, carry out and evaluate a communication campaign directed towards local communities and governments about the critical importance of the biological corridor and the services it provides.