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Displaying 1273 - 1284 of 1631
23 May 2020
No es de extrañar que algunas de las lenguas a punto de extinguirse coincidan con zonas de devastación biológica”, subraya el catedrático de la Universidad de Cornell Cristopher Dunn, para explicar lo ligados que están los saberes tradicionales indígenas con la salvaguarda del territorio. ¿…
13 May 2020
Source: Libération Date: 13/05/2020 La crise sanitaire démontre la nécessité d’une reconnaissance juridique du droit à l’eau potable et à l’hygiène pour tous sur le territoire, tant métropolitain qu’ultra-marin, estime un collectif d'associations. Tribune. Le geste est simple et la consigne maintes…
12 May 2020
Autoría: Pedro Escriche y Jorge Cavero, presidente y director de CERAI La crisis del coronavirus está generando un impacto enorme y creciente en las economías y sociedades de todos los países, además de la enorme pérdida de vidas que está conllevando. Las imágenes de ciudades vacías con…
7 May 2020
By Rohan Bennett, Eva-Maria Unger, Christiaan Lemmen, Kees de Zeeuw By now, most readers are likely to have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic – perhaps directly through their own health or the health of those they know, or more indirectly through loss of work or income… and almost certainly…
6 May 2020
berkali, Paul Prettitore
It’s time we break down the barriers to women’s access to land and protect women’s rights while the pandemic places them in a precarious situation Not only is the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) having serious health impacts around the world, it also has the potential to significantly affect the…
24 April 2020
Lorenzo Cotula, Brendan Schwartz
The fallout from COVID-19 has triggered narratives about profound changes to economic ordering. A closer look provides a more complex picture, particularly for countries in the global South.  As the world begins to reckon with the scale of COVID-19’s economic impacts, there is a growing sense…
22 April 2020
Judith Walcott, Lera Miles
Whether from the emergence of infectious diseases, the growing risks to global food systems, or from the increasing variability in global climate and local weather patterns, it is evident that we urgently need to rebalance our relationship with nature. Our relationship with forests is a prime…
22 April 2020
By Catherine Benson Wahlén, Thematic Expert for Human Development, Human Settlements and Sustainable Development (US) The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has released its annual SDG progress report, finding that the region’s performance is “poor” on most…
22 April 2020
Michael Taylor
This is a special Earth Day Op-Ed by Michel Forst, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders and Michael Taylor, the Director of the International Land Coalition Secretariat. The world has come together in the fight against a common enemy in COVID-19; a force so strong…
18 April 2020
Por: Paula Palomanes   Cada 17 de abril se conmemora el Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina. Desde el Centro de Desenvolvemento Rural Portas Abertas reclamaron este viernes un modelo agroganadero "máis xusto e sostible".    Defender un sistema productivo agrario fuerte, sostenible y respetuoso…
15 April 2020
por Thelma Gómez Durán   Fragmentar ecosistemas y perder diversidad de especies son factores que contribuyen a crear “zonas de riesgo”, en donde se incrementa la posibilidad de tener brotes de enfermedades causadas por diversos patógenos.   A principios de la década de los noventa, en el área…
14 April 2020
  Par: Guillaume Faburel Source: Date: 04/02/2020   Ces temps de confinement sont très productifs. D’abord pour les métiers vitaux, du soin et de la livraison, parfois au péril de leur vie. Puis, dans un registre bien différent, abrité derrière les écrans, c’est le printemps des…