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Countries Global related Blog post


Displaying 1297 - 1308 of 1631
17 December 2019
Francisco Carranza
Participation and sectoriality in development “Participation” and “local solutions” born out of the empowerment of groups or individuals have become, over time, very common elements to be found in the narrative of development projects and programmes. Public consultations and hearings have even…
10 December 2019
A areia é o segundo recurso mais consumido no mundo. O crescimento populacional e o aumento exponencial de seu uso estão colocando a sua disponibilidade em risco. Os seres humanos podem ficar sem areia em algumas décadas.   Por Enzo Campetella   Um relatório revelador da BBC Future mostra como esse…
4 December 2019
Author: Priti Darooka [1] with contributions by Farida Akhter  I want to thank IWRAW Asia Pacific for organising a two day strategic dialogue on Women Human Rights and Climate Justice. Some of the points shared here are points discussed at this dialogue in Bangkok in November 2019.  I also want…
28 November 2019
The session ”Exploring tools and approaches towards responsible youth and gender sensitive land governance and transparency in Africa” took place on November 27th, 2019 in the framework of the Conference on Land Policy in Africa and was organized by the Global Land Tool Network and the…
26 November 2019
Date: 18 novembre 2019 Source: Inf'OGM Par: Frédéric PRAT L’autonomie paysanne a été l’un des thèmes choisis lors d’une réunion internationale autour des semences paysannes. Récit de débats parfois agités, toujours passionnants, pour identifier les freins à cette autonomie et partager des…
26 November 2019
Clinton Omusula
The land sector is increasingly being cited as a corruption hub. Many countries across the globe are grappling with land-related corruption that dates to the colonial years and which have metamorphosed into historical injustices and continue to be a source of conflict and violation of basic human…
20 November 2019
Por : Sofía Calil La disputa por la tierra siempre ha puesto en tensión el poder económico y político. Actualmente, el derecho a la tierra no es concebido como un derecho humano fundamental en el ámbito internacional. Transitar por este camino es esencial para resolver problemas globales como la…
15 November 2019
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro
At CFS 46, the Land Portal had the opportunity to be the co-organizer of the side event How the VGGT have changed rural women’s lives:  Key strategies and innovations towards gender equality together with GLTN Unit UN-Habitat, the Cadasta Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the…
6 November 2019
Andy White, WaelZakout
Secure land rights play a key role in addressing the climate crisis.  Yet billions of peoples’ rights to the lands and resources they live on and manage are unrecognized.   This insecurity undermines global efforts to protect, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems essential to the realization…
5 November 2019
Yuliya Panfil
Last week the World Cocoa Foundation, a membership organization of more than 100 cocoa companies, held its annual partnership meeting in Berlin, Germany. The aim of the meeting is for governments, cocoa companies and farmers to identify and tackle the sector’s largest sustainability challenges. A…
4 November 2019
Date: 21 Octobre 2019 Source: Farmlangrab, Investigaction Par: Renaud Vivien Voilà l’agroécologie promue par plusieurs organismes des Nations Unies. Une bonne nouvelle à relativiser toutefois, car la Banque mondiale pèse de tout son poids contre une transition vers une agriculture durable.…
31 October 2019
Por Rafael Zavala    Quando falamos e estudamos sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), percebemos a dicotomia do papel das mulheres em questões que tocam vários temas da Agenda 2030 das Nações Unidas. Enquanto elas são consideradas peças-chaves para o alcance de muitos dos ODS…