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Countries Eastern Africa related News

Eastern Africa

Displaying 37 - 48 of 72
1 May 2019
Kenya is experiencing changes in its weather patterns. This includes changes in temperatures and wind and rainfall patterns – particularly shifts in the timing and length of rainy seasons. This has led to more droughts and floods. These changes have increased the vulnerability of pastoralists…
16 April 2019
Date: 16 avril 2019 Source: Agence Ecofin Par: Espoir Olodo (Agence Ecofin) - Au Kenya, la sécheresse prolongée perturbe les activités au niveau de la filière thé. En effet, rapporte Bloomberg, l'Association des planteurs de thé (KTGA) travaille désormais 3 jours sur 6 prévus normalement en raison…
15 April 2019
For over 40 years, she fought in vain to be allocated just one out 42 acres of the family land which she wanted to till and feed her children. She was not only denied the small piece of land and barred from practicing any form of farming but also faced an eviction from the property at the…
12 April 2019
As the climate shifts and population grows, land in the Choke Mountain watershed is becoming degraded, causing problems here and further downstream on the Nile CHOKE, Ethiopia - Sloping fields of barley and potatoes stretching far into the distance are a common sight in the mountains of Ethiopia'…
1 April 2019
A new report on the status of gender equality in Rwanda that was launched last week shows that the country recorded significant gains on several fronts on the basis of promoting gender equality  The new index shows that Rwanda has, for the past 25 years, achieved unprecedented progress in gender…
28 March 2019
Date: 27 mars 2019 Source: Agence Ecofin Par: Espoir Olodo (Agence Ecofin) - Au Kenya, les petites exploitations de production de café bénéficieront d’un fonds renouvelable d’une valeur de 3 milliards de shillings (30 millions $). C’est ce qu’a annoncé le président kenyan, Uhuru Kenyatta, en marge…
27 March 2019
Land theft from widows in Uganda is common but the tide is now changing “You must leave, or we will kill you and cut up your children.”    When Proscovia’s husband of twenty years died of cancer in 2013, his family forcibly removed her from the land he’d left behind for her to raise their three…
16 March 2019
A fledgling pressure group of journalists, researchers and community workers is taking a message to Ugandan rural communities to save the trees. The group is fighting the rapid destruction of trees in the region that was once the epicenter of a twenty-year war that had left a legacy of poverty and…
3 January 2019
The Grand Renaissance Dam is the centrepiece of Ethiopia's bid to become Africa's biggest power exporter ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethiopia's $4 billion dam project on the River Nile, which has been beset by construction delays and criticism from Egypt, will start initial operations in December…
16 December 2018
Uganda’s land is demarcated into Mailo, Freehold, Leasehold and Customary occupancy, which some consider an irrational land system. Over the years, this tenure has gone through a metamorphosis of traditional, colonial and post-independence vicissitudes; the latter of the three periods, has been…
7 December 2018
When the water reached some of Kisiwa Panza's graveyards, people found themselves scrambling to protect the remains of their friends and families KISIWA PANZA, Tanzania - First, the encroaching sea started eating away at homes and killing crops on the small island of Kisiwa Panza. Then the rising…
25 November 2018
For rural communities in the highlands of eastern Africa, water for domestic use is not piped. They have to collect, or use it from springs or rivers and it’s accessible to anyone. Increasingly, highland communities in Tanzania and Ethiopia face challenges when it comes to water quantity and…