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Countries Vietnam related News


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21 June 2023
La façon dont notre nourriture est produite, transformée, vendue et consommée a des répercussions sur notre corps, notre société et notre environnement. Si les petits exploitants sont au cœur de ce système, ils sont pourtant nombreux à ne pas profiter des avantages d’une nutrition de qualité ou de…
16 June 2023
©PAM/Alessandro Abbonizio (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) En garantissant l’égalité dans le domaine des droits fonciers, nous protégeons la terre et faisons progresser l’égalité des genres, a déclaré le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, dans un message vidéo, exhortant tous les gouvernements à…
16 April 2023
Photo : VNA/CVN (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) Le Comité permanent du Comité central du Front de la Patrie du Vietnam, en collaboration avec le ministère des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement et l'Union des associations scientifiques et techniques du Vietnam, a tenu le 21 février une réunion…
16 December 2022
Despite the work, a new report says China has reclaimed 6 times more land in 10 years. Main photo: Pearson Reef, a rock located in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, has been one of the locations Vietnam has been expanding. The red square indicates Vietnam’s outpost there. Credit: CSIS…
23 June 2022
Known as the rice basket of the country, the delta now sees houses tumbling into rivers and livelihoods lost When a riverbank subsided and gave way, Tran Van Bi’s house collapsed into a river in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta four years ago. Everything his family had accumulated over 32 years was gone in…
1 June 2022
Main photo: A screenshot of a video of villagers in Lang village, Ea Pok town, Cu Mgar district in south-central Vietnam's Dak Lak province who have been proesting since mid-May to reclaim about 40 hectares of arable land from a forestry company. (Protesters' Facebook page). Hundreds of ethnic…
20 October 2021
The Information Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development (AGROINFO) of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development in Viet Nam examined in 2019-2021 how to mainstream and apply the VGGT principles and good practices in the process of amending the 2013 Land Law to…
16 June 2021
Trois ans après l’édition de Bangkok, le 3e Forum sur les droits fonciers dans la région du Mékong (MRLG, 2021) s’est tenu en ligne les 26 et 27 mai derniers sur le thème « Régime foncier de la forêt du Mékong : promouvoir la reconnaissance des droits coutumiers et les pratiques d’investissement…
11 June 2021
LANDac is looking for an enthusiastic, goal-oriented Project Manager who has affinity with the field of land governance and development, and is committed to making knowledge management work for more effective policy implementation, innovation and upscaling. The Project Manager coordinates the…
1 June 2021
On 26-27 May this year, the 3rd Mekong Land Forum will be held online. Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) is hosting the Forum, for which Land Portal is providing technical support. The Forum will provide in-depth discussion and debate into land tenure security and community resource…
17 May 2021
A court in northern Vietnam’s Hoa Binh province on Wednesday sentenced land-rights activist Can Thi Theu and her son Trinh Ba Tu to eight years in prison each for posting online articles and livestream videos criticizing the government for its handling of a deadly land-rights clash last year. The…
17 February 2021
MRLG is hiring a Communications and Event Management for Specialist for the Mekong Region Land Forum 2021. MRLG and its partners successfully organized two Regional Land Forums, first in Hanoi in 2016 and then Bangkok in 2018. The second Regional Land Forum, co-organized with the Food and…