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News & Events LANDac Conference 2021
LANDac Conference 2021
LANDac Conference 2021
LANDac Conference 2021
30 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
LANDac Conference 2021

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Setting the Stage: LANDac Conference 2021 Opening Session and Keynote Speeches

01 July 2021
Mr. Neil Sorensen

The LANDac Conference 2021 was opened by the Co-Chairs of LANDac, Dr. Gemma van der Haar from Wageningen University and Dr. Guus van Westen from Utrecht University. Dr. Guus van Westen noted that theirs is the 11th consecutive LANDac conference, and that last year, labeling the conference an Online Encounter, we were not yet ready to accept the new reality of COVID-19. This shift has enabled LANDac to reach new audiences that were not previously part of the LANDac crowd.

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Behind the Brands 8 Years Later: An assessment of food and beverage companies’ delivery of land rights commitments

01 July 2021
Chloe Christman

From 2013 to 2016, Oxfam's Behind the Brands campaign called on the 10 biggest food and beverage companies to adopt stronger land rights commitments. Now, as the coronavirus pandemic worsens inequality and food insecurity around the world, we asked the question: Are companies taking meaningful steps to implement their commitments?

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How can Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) help sustain land governance solutions?

01 July 2021
Gwen van Boven

In this session, we explored the linkages between Strategic Environmental Assessment and land governance. SEA often deals with land-related aspects in planning, and has the potential to ensure that they are satisfactorily dealt with in decision making. This potential could reach further if SEA would be applied more widely and, most importantly, before irreversible changes to land and land use are made. Doing SEA before ESIA for concrete investments can help avoid some of the land related challenges and conflicts currently encountered.

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Working in crisis mode: lessons from land-governance interventions in fragile and conflict-affected settings

01 July 2021

This session brought together colleagues from different organizations working in the broad field of land rights, discussing lessons and experiences from working in crisis mode, in fragile and conflict affected settings. The participants shared experiences, challenges they faced especially during Covid, the solutions they found and critically reflected on shortcomings and unsolved issues.

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Land and food systems in times of crisis: towards fair and sustainable transformations

01 July 2021
Romy Santpoort

This session focussed on the transition towards more sustainable food systems in light of the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit. Four presenters shared their work, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, and their recommendations towards more fair and sustainable production of food, as well as recommendation to change the way we think about food.


Key Takeaways

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How Does Community Land Governance Intersect with Factors of Resilience in Rural Areas to Support Adaptation to Crisis Situations?

02 July 2021
Arshan Dehno

This session sought to explore examples of international community land ownership and to collate the experiences of community land governance during the pandemic.


The session aimed to respond to the following questions:

Blog post

The accelerating need for Urban Green Spaces (UGS) in cities and how to best accommodate it

05 July 2021
Shaswati Chowdhury

Urban Green Spaces (UGS) are vegetated open spaces that provide a multitude of ecological functions that are essential for the physical and mental well-being of the citizens as well as for the urban environment. However, land is an extremely competitive resource in cities that are struggling to sustain the ever-growing urban population and UGS are constantly under threat of urban encroachment. Even the well spread out cities are pressured to densify by the more commonplace ‘sustainable dense urban neighbourhood’ approach that in turn, increases the pressure on open spaces such as UGS.

Blog post

Who Benefits? Inclusive governance and equitable benefit sharing in the context of community forestry

05 July 2021
Koen Kusters

Community forestry has the potential to contribute to sustainable livelihoods in poor and marginalized communities in and near forests. In practice, however, the benefits of collectively managed forests may end up in the hand of local elites. Based on presentations from Bolivia, the Philippines and Nepal, participants in this session discussed, among others: (i) What is the role and importance of individual benefits in a model that is based on collective forest rights?

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Sustainable corridors? Urban land and mobility infrastructure development in an era of climate change

05 July 2021
Dr. Kei Otsuki

This session aimed to generate discussions on different experiences of infrastructure development that addresses climate change in cities. It paid particular attention to new transportation “corridor” development, which has increasingly become popular as a way to redesign the rapidly growing city to reduce traffic congestions and thereby carbon emissions, promote affordable public transportation system, and to make public green spaces accessible for all the citizens. However, it is known that it significantly affects ways that urban land is used, accessed and governed by local communities.

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Engaging migrants in natural resource management: Lessons from Indonesia

05 July 2021
Dr. Jia Yen Lai

Environmental policy interventions often result in conflicts because they fail to recognize people’s identity and sense of belongings, as shaped through the places where they live. A recent paper explores a case study of a palm oil project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in which competing claims of recognition and land rights have led to conflict between transmigrants and indigenous Kutai people.

Blog post

Keeping the promise: When governments let up, civil society, academia and private sector must step up

02 July 2021

My name is Silas Siakor and I am the Country Manager at IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative in Liberia. I have worked on natural resource governance for the past 20 years - with a focus on land and forest. I am deeply honored to speak at this year’s conference to share some reflections based on the Liberian experience and to send a clarion call to civil society, academia, and private sector to step up and do more to strengthen land governance. The future of our planet depends on it. 

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Building Land Governance Resilience with Open and Transparent Land Data Systems

05 July 2021
Mr. Charl-Thom Bayer

The COVID-19 crisis exacerbated land governance challenges, including addressing failures in land governance systems, a lack of transparency, systemic corruption, and lack of accessibility to data. It undermines development progress on global food security and has driven people into poverty, while governments take license to develop indigenous and community lands and thus fuel the climate crisis.

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Challenges in ‘pro-poor’ land registration: What lessons on crisis and resilience?

05 July 2021
Dr. Gemma van der Haar

Over time, land registration has been associated with a diversity of desired outcomes, ranging from modernization and the promotion of sustainable agricultural production to protection of the livelihoods of small-scale producers notably women, peacebuilding or even nurturing good practices of local governance. In this session we have discussed, for a range of settings: How confident are we about the results of registration and formalization program? How have they been justified and have the ambitions been reached?

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Investing in Formal Land Rights for Commodity Smallholder Farmers: Lessons from land tenure public-private partnerships

05 July 2021
Ana Garcia Moran

The Côte d’Ivoire Land Partnership (CLAP) brings public and private sectors together to work for affordable land documentation for smallholder farmers at scale. The panellists explained that land security should be at the core of corporate sustainability agendas because it translates into benefits across supply chains. Providing smallholder farmers with land documentation to strengthen their land rights has an impact on their lives, their families and also their productivity.

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Blog post

Climate and Forced Displacement: Land, energy & clean water challenges of communities displaced from high-risk natural disaster and war zones in Mozambique

05 July 2021
Marja Spierenburg

This session was inspired by the Idai and Kenneth cyclones that hit Mozambique in 2019, as well as military instability in the north of the country, resulting in massive displacements. In this session, presenters discussed the consequences of and prospects for resettlement legislation and procedures in Mozambique in light of increased climate change vulnerability, focusing on impacts on livelihoods and relations with host communities.

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Closing Session of the LANDac Conference 2021: Land, Crisis and Resilience

06 July 2021

After three days of intense discussion covering the breadth of land governance issues focusing on the theme of Land, Crisis and Resilience, Dr. Joanny Bélair, Postdoctoral researcher from Utrecht University and LANDac, had the unique opportunity to Chair the closing Session of the LANDac Conference 2021. Closing session panelists were Dr.

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PhD Session II

05 July 2021
Dr. Gemma van der Haar
Dominique Schmid

In the second PhD session of the LANDac Conference 2021, three PhD researchers presented their work in progress. We learned about slums in Abuja, Nigeria, about forest rights in India, and about the relation between inequalities in soil fertility, gender, and access to subsidies. Each presentation was discussed by an expert from the LANDac network.


Key Takeaways