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Land & Gender

Resources for Land & Gender


Sitio web con recursos de la Estrategia “Ajá y ¿por qué no? Hombres comprometidos con la equidad de género“

August, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

La campaña Stand For Her Land (S4HL) es una iniciativa global que busca aportar a la garantía de los derechos de las mujeres rurales y al cierre de brechas entre los estándares vigentes para proteger los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra y su realización en la práctica (

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29 June 2024
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons. Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection and the defense of the commons, as…
29 June 2024
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons. Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection and the defense of the commons, as…
29 June 2024

The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons.

Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection and the defense of the…


January 2010 to January 2014

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

United States Agency for International Development


The Enhancing Customary Justice Systems in the Mau Forest (Justice) Project piloted an approach for improving women’s access to customary justice, particularly related to women’s land rights, by enhancing the customary justice system in one target area. The work

January 2013 to January 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

United States Agency for International Development


The purpose of the Evaluation, Research and Communication (ERC) project is to create, expand, and communicate the results of evidence-based knowledge around best land tenure and property rights practices in order to enhance internal USAID and external USG learning

January 2014 to January 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

United States Agency for International Development


The rule of law in Kosovo is constrained by poorly defined and enforced property rights, especially the property rights of women and members of minority communities. The absence of an effective property rights regime weakens democratic governance, impacts human

January 2013 to January 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

United States Agency for International Development


The Ethiopia Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND) project works at the national and regional levels of government to further improve the legal and regulatory framework related to land tenure and property rights and thereby support the Government of

September 2016 to March 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The C2P project aimed to support  the operationalization of private sector commitments to addressing land rights by working closely with  a leading private sector company, Illovo Sugar, to apply VGGT principles to company practice, including  and piloting the

September 2016 to March 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Project duration:

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


Natural Habitats Sierra Leone (NHSL) acquired an oil palm concession of over 40,000 hectares from a previous owner, planning to produce organic palm oil from plantations to be developed within it. The concession covered the entire Makpele Chiefdom, located in

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  It’s a bumper year for citizens of the world to participate in their own governance. Elections are happening almost every other week. Record numbers of countries are holding presidential or parliamentary national or local elections, in democracies and in less democratic political systems.…
12 June 2024
  13 de junho 2024 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM EST O conhecimento das mulheres indígenas está enraizado na compreensão ancestral do mundo natural e no acúmulo de observações de fenômenos locais. O aspecto mais significativo das mulheres indígenas que detêm e preservam esse conhecimento tradicional é sua…