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Women’s Rights and the Right to Food

Reports & Research
November, 2012

In the present report, submitted to the Human Rights Council in accordance with Council resolution 13/4, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food discusses the threats to women's right to food, identifying the areas that demand the most urgent attention. The report examines successively the obstacles women face in access to employment, social protection and the productive resources needed for food production, food processing and value chain development.

Beyond climate-smart agriculture: toward safe operating spaces for global food systems

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2013

Agriculture is considered to be “climate-smart” when it contributes to increasing food security, adaptation and mitigation in a sustainable way. This new concept now dominates current discussions in agricultural development because of its capacity to unite the agendas of the agriculture, development and climate change communities under one brand.

Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2015

Previous studies have combined climate, crop and economic models to examine the impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security, but results have varied widely due to differences in models, scenarios and input data. Recent work has examined (and narrowed) these differences through systematic model intercomparison using a high-emissions pathway to highlight the differences. This paper extends that analysis to explore a range of plausible socioeconomic scenarios and emission pathways.

Potential Scrub Changes and Its Spatial Allocation under the New Zealand Emission Trading System

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2009
New Zealand

Under the New Zealand Emission Trading System (NZETS), post-1989forestry land (the exotic or indigenous forest land that was not used forplantation on 31 December 1989) in New Zealand is eligible for reward foreach tonne of CO2-eqv sequestrated by reverting from pasture to indigenousscrub. We use the Land Use in Rural New Zealand (LURNZ) model to conduct2 simulations assuming that one tonne of CO2-eqv costs $25; The referencecase is that no one has entered the NZETS, the other scenario is thatthe whole agriculture sector and indigenous forest (but not plantation) haveentered the ETS.

Evaluation of land and water resources in the province of Kirsehir in terms of agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

Soil and water resources are among natural wealth of a country and are main components of agriculture that meet food requirement. Development, protection and management of the soil and water resources have become a necessity today. Required investments should be made on improvement of water resources to develop the region in terms of agriculture. This study, examining previous studies on soil and water resources in Kırsehir and problems faced and solutions for these problems provides preliminary information on future studies.

Potential Economic Effects of Post-CRP Land Management in Southwest North Dakota

Reports & Research
December, 2011

The uncertain future of the Conservation Reserve Program has created substantial interestfor agricultural producers, rural businesses, community leaders, sportsmen, and wildlifeorganizations. Many regions of the upper Great Plains have participated heavily in the CRP asevidenced by program acreage reaching land enrollment limits; however, current enrollment andre-enrollment criterion are expected to substantially reduce CRP acreage in many parts of theGreat Plains.

Methodology of assessing the efficiency of state regulation of agriculture requires the improvement

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

The system of assessing the efficiency of state regulation of agriculture, included in the State program, does not permit in full extent to reveal the efficiency of using budgetary means; it does not cover all important spheres of agriculture and its influence on macroeconomic situation. In view of that, it is feasible to enforce the target direction of assessing the state regulation with accounting for changed socioeconomic situation in the country, including the membership of Russia in the WTO ant participating in the Europe-Asia economic union (EAEU).


Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015
New Zealand

In article is devoted to problems of land relations in agriculture, which provides an analysis of the nature this dynamics in recent decades, assess the rationality of land use in the context of globalization and offers an innovative solution for forming a model of land relations in agriculture. The authors is a traced the cyclic processes in the history of the development of land and property relations, assesses the present stage of the next cycle and are historical parallels in socio-economic development.

Examen des politiques agricoles de l'Inde

Reports & Research
May, 2008

With a population of about 1.1 billion, India is expected to overtake China as the world's most populous country by 2030. India's economy ranks as Asia's third largest, after Japan and China, and is now one of the world's fastest growing. While growth has led to significant reductions in poverty, India still ranks among the world's low income countries in terms of income per capita. Nevertheless, economic growth has resulted in a burgeoning middle-class.India's agriculture sector accounts for 18% of GDP, and employs around 60% of the workforce.

Estimating and projecting flows of greenhouse gases for New Zealand agriculture and planted forests

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2009
New Zealand

New Zealand is atypical among the Annex I parties within the Kyoto Protocol with agriculture forming a large part of greenhouse gas emissions and planted forests sequestering large amounts of carbon. This presentation will summarise the methods and data used to estimate flows of greenhouse gases within agriculture and planted forests in New Zealand’s National Inventory Report submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change last April. 2009 projections for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (2008-2012) will also be presented and discussed.

The forests of the Gornji grad estate in a tradional way of husbandry and unsuccesful trials of introduction a rational forest management in the period of transition from the eighteenth to nineteenth century

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2009

The estate Gornji grad, since 1462 in the ownership in the diocese of Ljubljana, owned for centuries large forests and leasehold pastures. They were managaed in a traditional way with the servitude or otherwise acquired rights of the bondsmen, applying selected felling of the trees, mostly without allocation to the bondsmen or by increasing the acreage of the pasture on the expense of that of the forests as well as in many other ways. All this finally resulted, although unintentionally, in the benefit of the bondsmen.