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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2101 - 2112 of 4982

Agricultural cadastre information system in the Republic of Moldova.

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Unstable weather conditions specific for the Republic of Moldova destabilize the agricultural products market. These and other features of modern agriculture make our society to face acute need for informatization, especially it concerns the agricultural producers (farmers) but also public authorities of all levels. The implementation of Agricultural Cadastre Information System, initiated successfully in our country, is a fundamental solution in this regard.

Designing management options to reduce surface runoff and sediment yield with farmers: An experiment in south-western France

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

To preserve the quality of surface water, official French regulations require farmers to keep a minimum acreage of grassland, especially bordering rivers. These agro-environmental measures do not account for the circulation of water within the catchment. This paper examines whether it is possible to design with the farmers agri-environmental measures at field and catchment scale to prevent soil erosion and surface water pollution.

Rural development and poverty nexus

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2004

The development experience indicates a strong link between rural development and poverty reduction. In Pakistan agriculture is the major source of economic growth, employment and livelihood. The agricultural productivity is low and many factors are responsible for its low productivity. Majority of rural population is marginalized in terms of access to physical and social assets, and in terms of institutions and inequality. Rural poor lack access to instruments to mitigate and cope with shocks that affect their well being and ability to come out of poverty.

The impact of changing agricultural policies on jointly used rough pastures in the Bavarian Pre-Alps - an economic and ecological scenario approach

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2009

The following paper assesses the impact of different policy options on the land use and associatedbiodiversity values of jointly organized low intensity grazing systems (‘Allmende’) inSouthern Bavaria. We use an integrated economic and ecological modelling approach tocompare the results of the scenarios with a reference situation that reflects the Common AgriculturalPolicy prior to the Fischler Reform. The economic sub model is based on single farmswhich alter their land use in response to economic stimuli.

Interactions entre systèmes fourragers et systèmes de grandes cultures à l'échelle d'un territoire. Intérêts pour l'environnement

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

In certain regions where mixed farming prevails, the specialization of the farms (with the progressive disappearance of livestock) has brought about uniform methods of land occupation which run counter the environmental functions of farming. For that matter, grasslands and perennial covers have beneficial effects, but their insertion or their maintenance have to be thought out at the territorial scale.

Identification Of Important Criteria In Farm Systems Decisions Around Lake Taupo

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2005

Nitrogen leaching from agriculture contributes to contamination of Lake Taupo. Multiple criteria decision making was used to compare fourteen pre-defined farming systems which reduced, or maintained nitrogen losses. Case study participants included three to four each of Maori Incorporation representatives, owner-operators, Environment Waikato employees, and researchers. The total group identified criteria that were important in choosing between the systems. Profit and nitrogen outputs were provided for the systems.

Trade and Intellectual Property Rights in the Agricultural Seed Sector

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2009

The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) has continued to be fiercely debated between North and South, particularly with respect to its provisions for the agricultural sector. Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement requires WTO member countries to offer some form of intellectual property protection for new plant varieties, either in the form of patents (common in the U.S.) or plant breeder’s rights (PBR).

Landlordism and self-government. The special role of the Livonian knights in the Russian Empire

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2015

German nobility took an important role in Livonia, Estonia and Courland territorial development. During from the period 1870-1913 Riga was the largest export port in Russia province with 550 thousand inhabitants. Towns and large rural population difference resulted Latvian strongly developed agriculture, industry and urbanization. Strong turbulence time began with the year 1905, followed by years of war, and finally in 20 years of the 20th century the agrarian land reform ended in Estonia, Livonia and Latvia.