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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 217 - 228 of 4982

HIV/AIDS, agriculture and food security in Malawi

December, 2000

It is now widely accepted that AIDS in not just a health issue. In the recently developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, the Malawi people and government designated HIV/AIDS as a crosscutting issue, and the Malawi National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework 2000-2004 calls for “an expanded, multi-sectoral national response to the epidemic.” However the capacity to respond to these calls lags behind. In many sectors, policy making still proceeds as if HIV/AIDS never happened.

Mechanization outsourcing clusters and division of labor in Chinese agriculture

Reports & Research
December, 2014

Most of the poor in the developing countries are smallholder farmers. Improving their productivity is essential for reducing poverty. Despite small landholdings, a high degree of land fragmentation, and rising labor costs, agricultural production in China has steadily increased. If one treats the farm household as the unit of analysis, it would be difficult to explain the conundrum. When seeing agricultural production from the lens of division of labor, the puzzle can be easily solved.

The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW)

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1969

This edition of The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture presents objective and comprehensive information and analyses on the current state,

trends and challenges facing two of the most important agricultural production

factors: land and water.

Land and water resources are central to agriculture and rural development,

and are intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty,

climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion

Carbon Finance Possibilities for Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use Projects in a Smallholder Context

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1969

This booklet is intended to guide extension service advisors and institutions who work with small-scale farmers and foresters with an interest in Carbon inance and Carbon Projects. Its aim is to support setting-up carbon projects which involve small-scale farmers.

Their participation allows them to be involved in the development and implementation of

the project, influence the design of the project to generate positive impacts for the farmers

and increase their knowledge about carbon finance.

Agriculture, forestry and other land use mitigation project database

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1969

Land use projects are especially exposed to the insecurities regarding the future of international climate change regulations. Therefore, it is imperative that the long term structures of the climate change framework are settled as soon as possible, including the reconsideration of the existing crediting schemes as the appropriate remuneration approach for AFOLU projects in developing countries.

Agriculture, forestry and other land use emissions by sources and removals by sinks

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1969

This report discusses new knowledge on anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) activities made available through the new FAOSTAT Emission database. The database is available globally, with country detail, for all agriculture, forestry and land sub-categories available in FAOSTAT and in the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA).

Property rights, land fragmentation and the emerging structure of agriculture in Central and Eastern European countries

December, 1969
Eastern Europe

This paper offers an overview of land reform processes in the CEECs and their outcomes and impacts and analyzes current and emerging structures in rural areas. Different types of land consolidation are defined and their potential impacts are assessed. The paper then looks in depth at land consolidation processes, especially in the context of land management, and outlines preconditions and cornerstones for various approaches. Environmental aspects and principles for land funds and land banking are also drawn in.

Land and agriculture: From UNCED, Rio de Janeiro 1992 to WSSD, Johannesburg 2002

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1969

This conmpendium of recent sustainable development initiatives in the field of agriculture and land management has been developed as a supporting document for the Task Manager's Report on the Land and Agriculture Cluster for Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of Agenda 21. The report draws together 75 cases from over 45 countries, illustrating the many features of improved land management and sustainable agriculture and rural development.

Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020.

National Policies
South-Eastern Asia

The Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forestry Strategy 2020 (FS2020) establishes that by 2020, the Government of the Lao PDR envisages a sizeable, vigorous and robust forestry sector continuing in its role as one of the leading sectors advancing national socio-economic development. A sector in which scientifically-managed natural production forests generate timber and non-timber products at sustainable levels with village participation, under supervision and technical support from well-staffed, well-trained local and national government units.

Ghana Forest and Wildlife Policy.

National Policies
Western Africa

The overall aim of the present Forest and Wildlife Policy is the conservation and sustainable development of forest and wildlife resources for the maintenance of environmental stability and continuous flow of optimum benefits from the socio-cultural and economic goods and services that the forest environment provides to the present and future generations whilst fulfilling Ghana’s commitments under international agreements and conventions.

Forestry Development Master Plan 1996 – 2020.

National Policies
Western Africa

The overall aim of the present Forestry Development Master Plan is to provide a basis for achieving sustainable utilization and development of forest and wildlife resources, modernization of the timber industry and conservation of the environment, and thereby ensure realization of the objectives of the Forest and Wildlife Policy. At the same time, the various proposals have had to take account of the need to improve the state of the environment, the complexities of land tenure and the importance of appropriate and efficient land use.