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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 4789 - 4800 of 4982

Structuring the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes

December, 2022

Integrated landscape approaches (ILA) aim to reconcile multiple, often competing, interests across agriculture, nature conservation, and other land uses. Recognized ILA design principles provide guidance for implementation, yet application remains challenging, and a strong performance evidence-base is yet to be formed. Through a critical literature review and focus group discussions with practitioners, we identified considerable diversity of ILA in actors, temporal, and spatial scales, inter alia.

Harvesting Success: Impact Measurement and Management as a Catalyst for Agribusiness Growth and Food Systems Transformation

December, 2022

The masterclass on Climate-Smart Agriculture and Agribusiness Impact was delivered at Africa Food System Forum in Dar Es Salaam covering a diverse range of topics aimed at equipping participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges posed by climate change in the agricultural sector. Divided into three sections, the masterclass delved into Agribusiness Sustainability through Climate Smart Approaches, Harvesting Success by Crafting Business Impact Pathways, and Attracting Investment through Impact-Driven Approaches.

Advancing the Conservation and Utilization of Barley Genetic Resources: Insights into Germplasm Management and Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture

December, 2022

Barley is a very important crop particularly in marginal dry areas, where it often serves
as the most viable option for farmers. Additionally, barley carries great significance in the Western
world, serving not only as a fundamental crop for animal feed and malting but also as a nutritious
food source. The broad adaptability of barley and its ability to withstand various biotic and abiotic
stresses often make this species the sole cereal that can be cultivated in arid regions. The collection

Economic Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Forage Mixtures Cropping Under Different Agroecosystems in Northern and Central West Tunisia

December, 2022

Soil erosion and land degradation are critical challenges in Northern and Central West Tunisia. This report assesses the profitability of different forage mixtures used as a key rotation practice to mitigate these challenges. Various soil and water conservation (SWC) practices were put in place using a sample of 33 small farmers in the framework of the SWC@Scale-ProSol project. Cost-benefit and a partial budget analysis were conducted to assess the profitability of the implemented agricultural practices on the selected demonstration plots.

Water use efficiency across scales: From genes to landscapes

December, 2022

Water scarcity is already set to be one of the main issues of the 21st century, because of competing needs between civil, industrial, and agricultural use. Agriculture is currently the largest user of water, but its share is bound to decrease as societies develop and clearly it needs to become more water efficient. Improving water use efficiency (WUE) at the plant level is important but translating this at the farm/landscape level presents considerable challenges.

Shamba shape up series 13 - Ep 21: Passion fruit, beekeeping, chicken brooding, organic manure and financial literacy

December, 2022

"Shamba Shape Up" is a popular television show in East Africa that focuses on agricultural education and improvement. The show features a team of experts who visit different farms, providing practical demonstrations and advice to farmers on various aspects of agriculture, such as livestock rearing, crop cultivation, farm management techniques, and sustainable practices. It aims to educate and empower farmers with valuable information and skills to enhance productivity, increase yields, and improve their livelihoods.

Building women's climate resilience: AICCRA Ghana VSLA plus intervention

December, 2022

Supporting women’s groups and their collective action is considered as one of the key ways to increase their climate resilience. Women’s groups are a means to reach women with capacity building activities, and also serve as a platform where they exercise collective and individual agency to take adaptive decisions. Strengthening the capacity of women’s groups on climate information services (CIS) and climate smart agriculture (CSA) innovations is a key pillar for gender-responsive climate smart agriculture intervention.

Facilitating Climate Smartness in Extension Service Delivery and Impacting Farmers in Ghana

December, 2022

The project intervention communities of The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) in Ghana are vulnerable to climate variability and change, which continues to pose a threat to food crop production. Increasing the resilience of the communities includes building their capacity on climate smart agriculture practices (CSA), climate information services (CIS) and One-health (OH) innovations. A Training of Trainers workshop was organized and Thirty-six Master trainers (mainly extension officers) received training on CSA, CIS, and OH innovations.

Gender-smart dissemination of CIS-CSA: Insights from AICCRA Ghana radio extension programme

December, 2022

Using radio for extension service has the potential to reach many rural women with the needed climate information services (CIS) and climate smart agriculture (CSA) innovations. However, radio extension is not necessarily gender neutral. In this Info Note we present insights from designing and implementing a gender-smart radio extensions programme in Ghana.